Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Crew"
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0	1472272	0	0	I need a crew.	Guybrush88	1
0	2358724	0	0	I have a good crew.	CK	1
0	2548150	0	0	They're a good crew.	CK	1
146131	268432	乗組員全員が救助された。	\N	The whole crew was saved.	CK	1
146140	268422	乗組員が多い。	\N	The crew is large.	CM
146132	268430	乗組員は全員救われた。	\N	All the crew were saved.	CM
0	1208696	0	0	The crew found a stowaway.	Espi
0	2957010	0	0	Tom is a member of my crew.	CK
146134	268428	乗組員はその船を放棄した。	\N	The crew abandoned the ship.	CK
212982	50267	そのタンカーには乗組員が少ない。	dryhay	The tanker has a small crew.	CK
0	2958487	0	0	Tom was a member of our crew.	CK
146135	268427	乗組員の何人かは溺れ死んだ。	\N	Some of the crew were drowned.	CK
0	2268511	0	0	The ship's crew is now complete.	_undertoad
146127	268435	乗務員がただいま出入り口を開けております。	\N	The crew is now opening the hatch.	CM
170688	243793	最近の船は乗組員が少なくすむ。	\N	Modern ships only need a small crew.	CM
146126	268436	乗務員はみんなその知らせを待っていた。	\N	The crew were all waiting for the news.	CM
0	3131978	0	0	What happened to the rest of your crew?	CK
0	2761552	0	0	The crew lowered the body into the sea.	sharptoothed
205584	42829	それは25人の水夫が乗り組んだ船だった。	\N	It was a ship with a crew of 25 sailors.	CK
141117	273455	船は乗務員全員を乗せたまま沈没した。	tommy_san	The ship sank with all her crew on board.	CM
141064	273508	船長は船と乗組員を統率する。	\N	A captain controls his ship and its crew.	CM
146130	268431	乗組員は沈みかけている船を離れなければならなかった。	\N	The crew had to abandon the sinking ship.	CM
203093	40330	タンカーには少数の乗組員しかいない。	\N	The tanker has only a small crew on board.	Swift
116448	287221	彼の努力のおかげで、乗組員全員が救助された。	\N	Thanks to his efforts, all the crew were saved.	CM
141068	273504	船長は、船と乗組員についての責任を負っている。	\N	A captain is in charge of his ship and its crew.	CM
0	619901	0	0	I am going to introduce you to the rest of the crew.	ulyssemc1
190474	27635	一人のクルーカットの学生がバスの前方の座席に座っていた。	\N	A student with a crew cut was sitting in the front seat.	CK
146136	268426	乗組員たちは太平洋横断の航海に向けて準備をしました。	\N	The crew prepared for the voyage across the Pacific Ocean.	CM
146138	268424	乗組員たちは宇宙への航海の準備に忙しい。	\N	The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space.	CK
0	3047010	0	0	Tom and three other crew members were injured in the accident.	CK
141060	273512	船長は頭にきて、乗組員に上陸の許可を与えなかった。	\N	The captain was so angry he refused to give the crew shore leave.	CK