0 2549216 0 0 We have a crisis. CK 1 0 2892429 0 0 We're in the middle of a crisis. CK 1 0 1817631 0 0 Europe is in crisis. Scott 0 2546419 0 0 Tom is having a crisis. CK 143374 271193 世界的な危機がすぐそこまで迫っている。 \N A global crisis is at hand. CM 185972 23104 我々は一大危機に直面している。 \N We are facing a violent crisis. CK 0 680604 0 0 Their company survived the crisis. Source_VOA 0 1493787 0 0 When is this crisis going to be over? niceguydave 0 680603 0 0 There was a financial crisis in 2009. Source_VOA 0 1530354 0 0 His company didn't survive the crisis. erikspen 0 1530355 0 0 His company went under during the crisis. erikspen 144181 270385 人々が危機は去ったと言っています。 \N People are saying that the crisis is over. CK 0 807474 0 0 President Hoover tried to solve the crisis. Source_VOA 0 807489 0 0 A crisis in France could be bad for America. Source_VOA 0 680605 0 0 The flood caused a crisis for their community. Source_VOA 0 483068 0 0 The financial crisis has left many unemployed. FeuDRenais 221906 59232 この頃は、エネルギー危機の話をよく耳にする。 \N We often hear about an energy crisis these days. CK 179895 18754 近い将来エネルギー危機が起こるだろう。 \N There will be an energy crisis in the near future. Zifre 0 807691 0 0 That crisis threatened to split the nation in two. Source_VOA 123240 280759 内閣はその危機について討議するために日本会合を持つ。 \N The Cabinet is meeting today to discuss the crisis. CM 74478 329241 物価の上がり下がりが金融危機を引き起こした。 fcbond The rise and fall of prices caused a financial crisis. fcbond 0 1354877 0 0 A crisis in France could be bad for the United States. AMIKEMA 211756 49033 その解説者は食糧危機を強調しすぎる。 \N The newscaster puts too much emphasis on the food crisis. CM 171375 243100 今年の終わりに経済危機がくるだろう。 \N There will be an economic crisis at the end of this year. CK 233193 924409 あなたの助けがなければ、私はその難局を乗り越えることができなかったでしょう。 \N Without your help, I couldn't have ridden out that crisis. CK 0 545282 0 0 Is there any end in sight to the deepening economic crisis? darinmex 78104 325614 両国は危機解決に向けて交渉をするでしょう。 mookeee The two countries will negotiate a settlement to the crisis. CM 0 805495 0 0 The crisis led to the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Source_VOA 0 1115767 0 0 The prime minister spoke about the financial crisis at length. Nero 116550 287119 彼の大胆な決意のおかげで危機を乗り越えることができた。 mookeee Thanks to his bold decision, he was able to ride out the crisis. CM 81142 269509 万一重大な危機が生じたら、政府はすばやく行動しなければならないだろう。 \N Were a serious crisis to arise, the government would have to act swiftly. CM 145054 269509 深刻な危機が生じれば、政府は迅速な行動をとらなければならない。 \N Were a serious crisis to arise, the government would have to act swiftly. CM