Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Darkness"
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0	1867942	0	0	Tom sat in the darkness.	CK	1
186204	23337	我々の目は暗闇に慣れるのに時間がかかる。	mookeee	Our eyes take time to adjust to the darkness.	NekoKanjya	1
0	1092583	0	0	Tom waited a while to let his eyes adjust to the darkness.	CK	1
79733	323984	夜のとばりが下りつつある。	\N	Darkness is falling.	CM
0	2958437	0	0	Tom vanished into the darkness.	CK
191253	28414	暗闇の中に人影が見えた。	bunbuku	A form appeared in the darkness.	CM
191233	28394	闇とは光がないことです。	\N	Darkness is the absence of light.	CK
84142	319573	部屋は真っ暗だった。	tommy_san	The room was in complete darkness.	CM
191254	28415	暗闇の中にほのかな光が見えた。	\N	We saw a dim light in the darkness.	CM
0	1360715	0	0	She fumbled around in the darkness.	xrchz
185515	22647	我々は夜陰に乗じて進んだ。	\N	We advanced under cover of darkness.	CK
110181	293507	彼は暗闇の中を手探りで進んだ。	\N	He felt his way through the darkness.	CK
191263	28425	暗闇から強盗が突如として現れた。	\N	The robber emerged from the darkness.	CK
0	3171564	0	0	Tom felt his way through the darkness.	CK
117339	286325	彼の黒のコートが暗闇に溶け込んで見えなくなってしまった。	\N	His black coat blended into the darkness.	CK
138386	274849	多くの子供たちにとって暗闇は恐怖の的である。	\N	Darkness causes many children to be afraid.	CM
162524	251990	私の目はまだこの暗さに慣れていない。	\N	My eyes haven't yet adjusted to the darkness.	CM
0	2742880	0	0	Tom watched Mary disappear into the darkness.	CM
0	877396	0	0	There in the darkness, she reflected on her life.	papabear
0	3113297	0	0	It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness.	CK
0	2939240	0	0	Flying in darkness without adequate training is a major cause of light aircraft accidents.	patgfisher