0 2241066 0 0 We declared war. CK 1 99264 304437 彼は有罪と宣告された。 bunbuku He was declared guilty. CK 1 145014 436683 申告する物は何もありません。 \N I have nothing to declare. lukaszpp 1 145012 436683 申告ものはありません。 \N I have nothing to declare. lukaszpp 1 0 1890971 0 0 I'm declaring an emergency. CK 1 199118 23665 なにか申告するものがありますか。 bunbuku Do you have anything to declare? CK 1 186529 23665 課税品をお持ちですか。 \N Do you have anything to declare? CK 1 145017 23665 申告が必要な物をお持ちですか。 bunbuku Do you have anything to declare? CK 1 145016 23665 申告する物はありますか。 bunbuku Do you have anything to declare? CK 1 0 919006 0 0 He was declared bankrupt. Shiawase 0 806876 0 0 A ceasefire was declared. Source_VOA 93728 309979 彼女は、自分は正しいと言い切った。 \N She declared that she was right. CK 187925 434586 何か申告するものはありますか。 \N Do you have something to declare? lukaszpp 99705 2726545 彼は無実だと断言した。 \N He declared that he was innocent. WestofEden 145015 269547 申告するものは何も持っていません。 \N I don't have anything to declare. CK 208897 46158 その植民地は独立を宣言した。 \N The colony declared independence. Nero 88950 314757 彼女は自分は無実だと断言した。 \N She declared that she was not guilty. CK 0 303992 0 0 They declared that they were innocent. CK 0 3044552 0 0 There is a declared state of emergency. Guybrush88 212363 49645 その遺言は法廷で無効と宣告された。 \N The will was declared void by the court. CM 0 807387 0 0 Military law was declared in some areas. Source_VOA 0 1564880 0 0 Brazil declared war on Argentina in 1825. alexmarcelo 210569 47839 その国は隣国に対し宣戦を布告した。 \N The country declared war against its neighbor. Zifre 0 681545 0 0 The nation recently declared its independence. Source_VOA 0 802587 0 0 In 1847, they declared themselves independent. Source_VOA 208899 46159 その植民地はまだ独立を宣言していない。 \N The colony has not declared independence as yet. CM 0 2466959 0 0 Tom declared war on the corruption in his country. kuma 0 439824 0 0 He declared that they had been friends for 30 years. jerom 230184 67550 アメリカは1776年に独立を宣言したと彼は言った。 \N He said that America declared its independence in 1776. CK 208898 46157 その植民地は独立を宣言し、共和国となった。 \N The colony declared independence and become a republic. CK 0 1109696 0 0 In the year 1847, they declared their own independence. Leedihuzur 82678 387431 法廷は彼のその殺人容疑について無罪とした。 bunbuku The court declared him innocent on the charge of murder. CK 122535 281468 日本は1941年12月に合衆国に宣戦布告をした。 \N Japan declared war on the United States in December, 1941. CK 143104 271464 政府は減税の意向を明言した。 \N The government has declared its intention to reduce taxes. CM 0 2883407 0 0 The United States officially declared a state of emergency. AlanF_US 0 1126671 0 0 The government explicitly declared its intention to lower taxes. nadsat 159920 254602 私はその内気な青年にその美しい少女への愛を告白するように勧めた。 bunbuku I advised the shy young man to declare his love for the beautiful girl. CK