Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Decline"
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0	2245986	0	0	I must decline.	CK	1
0	1029360	0	0	Tom declined Mary's offer.	CK	1
0	1026513	0	0	Tom declined our job offer.	CK	1
92407	311304	彼女はその招待を断った。	bunbuku	She declined the invitation.	CK	1
0	1029361	0	0	Tom declined Mary's invitation.	CK	1
0	1094924	0	0	Tom declined to comment on the matter.	CK	1
0	2313715	0	0	I declined the job that they offered me.	CK	1
194818	31992	メアリーはコンサートへの招待を断った。	\N	Mary declined an invitation to the concert.	CK	1
0	1029359	0	0	Tom declined the invitation to Mary's party.	CK	1
0	887472	0	0	She tried to persuade him not to decline the offer.	CK	1
0	1773661	0	0	He declined to comment.	Spamster
115508	288162	彼は、私の提案を拒絶した。	\N	He declined my proposal.	Nero
0	3094334	0	0	Tom declined to comment.	CK
116817	398539	私は彼の申し込みを断らざるを得なかった。	\N	I had to decline his offer.	CK
0	2543401	0	0	Tom declined the invitation.	CK
114892	288779	彼はあの人たちの招待を断った。	\N	He declined their invitation.	CK
97562	306140	彼らはわれわれの招待を断った。	\N	They declined our invitation.	CK
0	668629	0	0	We all want prices to decline.	Swift
0	2541718	0	0	Tom declined to be interviewed.	CK
0	1169214	0	0	I declined for personal reasons.	Eldad
185938	23070	我々は皆物価が下がるのを望んでいる。	\N	All of us want prices to decline.	CK
92254	311457	彼女はそれについてそれ以上話すのを断った。	marcelostockle	She declined to say more about it.	CK
103718	299975	彼は申し出を断った、そして私も断った。	\N	He declined the offer and so did I.	CM
121834	282171	年をとるにつれて、私の健康状態は衰えた。	\N	As I grew older, my health declined.	CM
153775	260768	私は彼の夕食の誘いを辞退した。	\N	I declined his invitation to dinner.	CK
0	694033	0	0	The victim declined to press charges.	darinmex
0	2718639	0	0	You should've declined the invitation.	CK
208721	45980	その衰退はざっと1950年代までさかのぼる事が出来る。	\N	The decline can be traced to the 1950s.	CM
104392	299299	彼は就職を丁重に断った。	\N	He declined the job-offer very politely.	CK
99344	304354	彼は勇敢にもその申し出を断った。	\N	He had the courage to decline the offer.	CK
152114	262437	私を助けようという彼の申し出を断るつもりです。	Scott	I intend to decline his offer to help me.	Scott
0	2509501	0	0	Tom's health has declined a lot recently.	sharptoothed
184087	21215	株価の急激な下落があった。	\N	There was a rapid decline in stock prices.	NekoKanjya
96972	306732	彼らは私達のパーティーへの招待を断った。	\N	They declined the invitation to our party.	CK
201445	38655	どうして出生率がそんなに急激に減ったのだろうか。	bunbuku	Why has the birthrate declined so sharply?	CM
230940	68308	あの事故以来、彼の健康は衰えている。	\N	His health has declined since the accident.	Zifre
0	430072	0	0	Biodiversity continues to decline each year.	witbrock
0	1513848	0	0	He gathered the courage to decline the offer.	emory989
0	1918435	0	0	He declined to answer the questions put to him.	wwkudu
772975	794673	人間は年を取るにつれて、体力が衰える。	marloncori	As humans age, their physical strength declines.	hrin
100006	303691	彼は忙しいからと私の頼みを断った。	\N	He declined my request, saying that he was busy.	CK
224233	61568	ここ数ヶ月彼女の健康は衰えている。	\N	Her health has been declining these past months.	CM
95248	308458	彼女が彼の申し出を断るのは当然だと思う。	\N	I think it natural for her to decline his offer.	CM
184086	21213	株価は5日連続して下がった。	\N	Stock prices declined for five consecutive days.	NekoKanjya
153083	261461	私は病気のためその招待を断らなければならなかった。	\N	I had to decline the invitation because I was ill.	CM
221954	59280	この国では出生率が急速に低下している。	\N	The birthrate is rapidly declining in this country.	CM
224233	903046	ここ数ヶ月彼女の健康は衰えている。	\N	Her health has been declining these past few months.	CK
94292	309414	彼女の招待を断るとはあなたも不作法な人です。	\N	It's very impolite of you to decline her invitation.	CM
0	512916	0	0	The number of fish in the ocean is steadily declining.	darinmex
137354	275882	大統領はそのデリケートな質問に答える事をやんわりと拒否した。	\N	The president declined to answer the delicate question.	CK