Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Depression"
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0	680668	0	0	She's in a depression.	Source_VOA
176470	237994	経済はやや不景気だ。	\N	The economy is in a slight depression.	CK
122368	281635	日本経済は不況である。	\N	The Japanese economy is in depression.	CK
124380	653327	冬になると気がふさぐ。	\N	I suffer from depression during the winter.	CK
0	1546941	0	0	Mary is showing signs of severe depression.	corvard
124380	279614	冬になると気がふさぐ。	\N	I suffer from depression during the wintertime.	CM
211295	48569	その経済学者は長引く不況を予期していた。	\N	The economist anticipated a prolonged depression.	CK
0	853236	0	0	He fell into a deep depression and decided to off himself.	darinmex
0	3144549	0	0	I'd suggest that Tom talk to somebody about his depression.	CK
0	680667	0	0	The Great Depression started in 1929 and ended in the 1930's.	Source_VOA
0	1400595	0	0	Depression is common among young adults who have Asperger syndrome.	kadena
85114	318599	不景気なのに依然物価は高い。	\N	In spite of the depression, the prices of commodities are still high.	CK
230092	67457	アメリカ大恐慌の際には多くの人が失業してた。	\N	A lot of people were out of work during the Great Depression in America.	CM
0	2925557	0	0	Mary suffered from severe postnatal depression after the birth of her first child.	patgfisher
176511	237953	景気循環とは好況時と不況時が交互に繰り返し起こることである。	\N	A business cycle is a recurring succession of periods of prosperity and periods of depression.	CM
235911	73292	1930年代の恐慌の間、多くの金持ちが株式市場の崩壊で全てを失った。	mookeee	During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.	CM