Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Destruction"
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137775	275461	台風は破壊の跡を残して行った。	\N	The typhoon left behind a trail of destruction.	CM
0	696935	0	0	The tornado left a trail of destruction in its wake.	darinmex
184599	21727	核戦争は人類を滅亡させるだろう。	\N	A nuclear war will bring about the destruction of mankind.	CM
227654	65007	オゾン層の破壊は環境に影響を及ぼす。	\N	The destruction of the ozone layer affects the environment.	CM
121867	282137	熱帯雨林の破壊は環境に影響を及ぼす。	\N	The destruction of the rainforests affects our environment.	Dejo
75147	328572	今の日本は自滅へのみちを突き進んでいますよね。	fcbond	Present-day Japan is going down the route to self destruction, isn't it?	fcbond
207890	45146	その地域の工業化は環境破壊を避けるため慎重に進められなければならない。	\N	Industrialization of the region must be carried out very carefully to avoid environmental destruction.	CK