0 2236648 0 0 Tom is determined. CK 1 0 2255031 0 0 You look determined. CK 1 0 2237227 0 0 Tom looks determined. CK 1 0 2237691 0 0 Tom seems determined. CK 1 0 2273507 0 0 Tom is still determined. CK 1 92814 2661995 彼女はしたたかな女だ。 bunbuku She's a determined woman. WestofEden 1 0 2542522 0 0 I'll determine how we proceed. CK 1 108954 294737 彼は外国へ行く決心をしました。 bunbuku He was determined to go abroad. CK 1 0 1027788 0 0 Tom was determined to kill Mary. CK 1 0 1027787 0 0 Tom was determined to kiss Mary. CK 1 114697 288966 彼はイギリスへ行こうと決心している。 mookeee He is determined to go to England. CK 1 114705 288966 彼はイギリスに行こうと決心している。 \N He is determined to go to England. CK 1 1084617 312941 彼女は会社を辞めると心に決めている。 mookeee She is determined to leave the company. CK 1 90771 312941 彼女は会社を辞めようと決心している。 mookeee She is determined to leave the company. CK 1 160932 253586 私はこの計画を実行しようと決心している。 bunbuku I am determined to carry out this plan. CK 1 0 1092423 0 0 Tom was determined to make the football team. CK 1 0 887548 0 0 She was determined never to talk to him again. CK 1 0 1092424 0 0 Tom was determined to finish the job before he went home. CK 1 0 1092425 0 0 Tom was determined to continue his support for as long as it took. CK 1 0 2413986 0 0 Tom and Mary are both determined to make the best of this situation. CK 1 0 3325415 0 0 Tom seemed quite determined. CK 186844 23981 科学者になる決心をしている。 \N I am determined to be a scientist. CK 0 2512874 0 0 Tom is determined to have his way. sharptoothed 159555 254968 私はタバコをやめることを固く決意している。 \N I am determined to give up smoking. CK 0 3287179 0 0 Tom was determined to say something. CK 85989 317721 彼等は旅行の日取りを決めた。 \N They determined the date for the trip. CK 93741 309966 彼女は、今度はうまくやろうと心に決めている。 \N She is determined to succeed this time. CK 0 1538862 0 0 She's determined to become a secretary. SHamp 0 3135893 0 0 We're trying to determine what happened. CK 0 3183622 0 0 Tom was determined to leave the company. CK 0 3310251 0 0 We've been unable to determine the cause. CK 101053 302644 彼は彼女に2度と会わない決意であった。 \N He was determined never to meet her again. Nero 186237 23372 我々の生活は環境によって決定される。 \N Our lives are determined by our environment. CK 195602 32776 まず最初に何がなされるべきか決めなければならない。 \N We should determine what is to be done first. CK 191698 1008943 われわれは、彼女の行方を突き止めることが出来なかった。 \N We weren't able to determine her whereabouts. AOCinJAPAN 0 2512886 0 0 What was the determining factor in this case? sharptoothed 152473 262077 私は誘惑に負けまいと決心していた。 \N I was determined not to give in to temptation. CM 0 3135966 0 0 We're still trying to determine what happened. CK 141936 272634 絶対に誘惑にはまけないぞ。 \N I'm determined never to give way to temptation. CM 144586 269978 人の生活様式の大半はお金によって決まる。 \N One's lifestyle is largely determined by money. CM 0 3116510 0 0 Tom was determined to get rid of his pot belly. patgfisher 187497 24634 何事が起ころうとも、私はそれをなしとげる決心である。 \N Come what may, I am determined to accomplish it. NekoKanjya 199465 36667 どんな犠牲を払ってもその仕事を完成させようと彼は決心していた。 \N He was determined to finish the work at any cost. CM 81964 321751 僕は脚本家で食べていく決心をした。 \N I am determined to make a living as a playwright. CM 0 2512846 0 0 The subject of the lecture is already determined. sharptoothed 0 1936503 0 0 I'd like to determine the value of this painting. CK 187792 24931 何とかして義務を果たそうと決心した。 \N I was determined to fulfill my duties at any cost. NekoKanjya 0 3329485 0 0 The doctors couldn't determine the cause of death. CK 88997 314710 彼女は自分の店をもとうと堅く心に決めている。 \N She is firmly determined to own a store of her own. CM 0 2512884 0 0 We must try to determine the best course of action. sharptoothed