Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Devote"
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0	2236650	0	0	Tom is devoted.	CK	1
1484937	887067	彼女は彼に自分をささげた。	marshmallowcat	She devoted herself to him.	CK	1
109950	293739	彼は一生を研究にささげた。	mookeee	He devoted his life to his study.	CK	1
0	1029924	0	0	Tom and Mary are devoted to each other.	CK	1
0	1094876	0	0	Tom devoted his life to helping the poor.	CK	1
124046	279949	当時彼は音楽に没頭していた。	bunbuku	He devoted himself to music in those days.	CK	1
0	1094875	0	0	Tom devoted his whole life to public service.	CK	1
0	1094874	0	0	Tom devoted his whole life to studying sharks.	CK	1
0	1526104	0	0	Tom devoted his life to the study of this phenomenon.	Spamster	1
0	2042768	0	0	I really do want to devote some more time to studying French.	CK	1
2213106	1025997	トムはホームレスの支援に多くの時間を費やすのが苦にならない。	bunbuku	Tom doesn't mind devoting a lot of time to helping the homeless.	CK	1
90974	312740	彼女は音楽に一生をささげた。	\N	She devoted her life to music.	CK
86925	316784	彼女は夫を深く愛している。	\N	She is devoted to her husband.	CK
89744	313971	彼女は子供のことに専心している。	\N	She is devoted to her children.	CK
0	2266169	0	0	He devotes himself to his work.	_undertoad
109951	293738	彼は一生を教育に捧げた。	marcelostockle	He devoted his life to education.	CK
102587	1470972	彼は多くの時間を勉強に費やした。	\N	He devoted a lot of time to study.	CK
91148	312566	彼女は一生を教育に捧げた。	\N	She devoted her life to education.	CK
0	2512864	0	0	Tom devoted himself to his family.	sharptoothed
114086	289586	彼はかれの会社に彼の人生をささげました。	\N	He devoted his life to his company.	CK
101587	302107	彼は読書に没頭した。	bunbuku	He devoted himself to reading books.	CK
89743	313972	彼女は子供のことに専念した。	\N	She devoted herself to her children.	CK
206077	43324	その老婦人は自分の犬をたいへんかわいがった。	\N	The old lady was devoted to her dog.	CM
89845	313870	彼女は三人の子育てにかかりきりだ。	\N	She is devoted to her three children.	CK
0	2266153	0	0	He devoted his whole life to science.	_undertoad
155655	258883	私は人生を教育に捧げたい。	\N	I want to devote my life to education.	CK
114579	289092	彼はいつも音楽に専念した。	\N	He has always devoted himself to music.	CK
94002	309704	彼女の父は科学に一生を捧げた。	\N	Her father devoted his life to science.	CK
93683	310025	彼女は、病気の母に一身につくした。	\N	She devoted herself to her sick mother.	CK
225846	63184	キャッシーは病気の母に一身につくした。	\N	Cathy devoted herself to her sick mother.	CM
90947	312767	彼女は音楽研究に時間を捧げた。	\N	She devoted her time to the study of music.	CK
110086	293602	彼は医学の研究に専念した。	\N	He devoted himself to the study of medicine.	CK
236791	294469	彼は科学の研究に一生をささげた。	\N	He devoted his life to the study of science.	CK
0	2955714	0	0	Tom and Mary are very devoted to each other.	CK
109470	294220	彼は化学の研究に専心していた。	\N	He devoted himself to the study of chemistry.	CK
110905	292781	彼はボランティア活動に専念した。	\N	He devoted himself to the volunteer activity.	CK
100202	303495	彼は文学の研究に専念した。	\N	He devoted himself to the study of literature.	CK
152286	262264	私は歴史の研究に生涯専念するつもりだ。	\N	I will devote my life to the study of history.	CK
93415	310293	彼女はアフリカでの伝道の仕事に身をささげた。	\N	She devoted herself to mission work in Africa.	CK
91519	312194	彼女はボランティア活動に専念した。	\N	She devoted herself to the volunteer activity.	CK
102575	301119	彼は多くの文化活動に専念した。	\N	He devoted himself to many cultural activities.	CK
113832	289841	彼はここのところ研究に没頭している。	\N	He has devoted himself to his studies recently.	CM
93712	309995	彼女は、全精力をスペイン語の学習にささげた。	\N	She devoted all her energy to studying Spanish.	CK
86996	316714	彼女は貧しい人たちの間で働くことに一生を捧げた。	\N	She devoted her life to working among the poor.	CM
104941	298748	彼は自分の時間をすべて歴史の研究に充てた。	\N	He devoted all his time to the study of history.	CK
88477	315230	彼女は身体障害者を助けることに人生を捧げた。	\N	She devoted her life to helping the handicapped.	CK
209546	46808	その若いカップルは、互いに深く愛し合っていた。	\N	The young couple were deeply devoted to each other.	CM
86827	916661	彼女は物理学の研究に一生を捧げた。	\N	She devoted her entire life to the study of physics.	CK
109618	294072	彼は英文学の研究に専念した。	\N	He devoted himself to the study of English literature.	CK
1773367	294227	彼は何か始めるとそれにのめり込む性質です。	mookeee	When he begins to do anything, he devotes himself to it.	CM