Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Direct"
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2579328	2202768	私は単刀直入なんです。	OrangeTart	I'm direct.	CK	1
0	2202765	0	0	We're direct.	CK	1
0	2202767	0	0	Tom is direct.	CK	1
0	2202766	0	0	You're direct.	CK	1
0	2247667	0	0	I'll be direct.	CK	1
0	2218480	0	0	You're very direct.	CK	1
204977	42219	それは直行便ですか。	\N	Is it a direct flight?	CK	1
0	2542459	0	0	I'm giving you a direct order.	CK	1
0	2400141	0	0	Tom directed me to the theater.	CK	1
0	1092669	0	0	Tom took a direct flight to Boston.	CK	1
0	2329346	0	0	I gave Tom a direct order, but he ignored it.	CK	1
0	2028211	0	0	It's very direct.	Guybrush88
125744	278248	直接ダイヤルできますか。	\N	Can I dial direct?	CM
0	2163163	0	0	The path is direct.	Source_VOA
0	2011770	0	0	I want a direct answer.	CK
112243	291436	彼はそれについて単刀直入だ。	\N	He is very direct about it.	CK
178240	17092	君の質問は直接的すぎた。	\N	Your questions were too direct.	CK
218505	55817	これはロンドンへ直行する道です。	\N	This is a direct road to London.	CK
0	2269060	0	0	We directed them to the station.	_undertoad
168237	246256	指揮者はオーケストラの指揮をする。	\N	A conductor directs an orchestra.	CK
0	680694	0	0	The policewoman directed traffic.	Source_VOA
223784	61120	このことに皆さんの注意を向けていただけませんか。	\N	May I direct your attention to this?	CM
79161	324556	郵便局へ行く道を教えてくれませんか。	bunbuku	Can you direct me to the post office?	CM
0	1545354	0	0	This movie was directed by John Ford.	Spamster
0	2265763	0	0	Do what's directed in the prospectus.	_undertoad
0	680695	0	0	Can you direct me to the train station?	Source_VOA
0	1216266	0	0	Traffic lights are used to direct traffic.	jared1981
0	556379	0	0	It's a direct flight from Tokyo to London.	darinmex
106644	297042	彼は仕事に全力を尽くした。	\N	He directed all his energy to his business.	CM
137365	275871	大統領に直接会える人はごくわずかだ。	bunbuku	Few men have direct access to the president.	CM
123602	280395	道に迷ってしまいました。駅への道を教えてくださいませんか。	\N	I'm lost. Could you direct me to the station?	CK
219236	56552	この薬品は日光に当てないようにしなさい。	\N	Don't expose this chemical to direct sunlight.	CM
124282	279712	東京からロンドンへの直行便があります。	\N	There is a direct flight from Tokyo to London.	CK
170757	243722	最寄りの地下鉄へ行く道を教えてくれませんか。	\N	Can you direct me to the nearest subway station?	CK
170758	243722	最寄りの地下鉄の駅へ行く道を教えて下さいませんか。	\N	Can you direct me to the nearest subway station?	CK
0	507723	0	0	There are no direct flights to Bologna from here.	Kostia
0	813069	0	0	Directing is what all actors say they want to do.	papabear
125745	1981141	直射日光から目を守った方がいい。	\N	You should protect your eyes from direct sunlight.	CK
184935	22066	絵画は直射日光にさらしてはならない。	\N	Paintings should not be exposed to direct sunlight.	NekoKanjya
0	802676	0	0	They have the most direct effect on people's lives.	Source_VOA
0	2984496	0	0	Tom disobeyed a direct order from a superior officer.	Hybrid
197159	34341	ぶっちゃけた話、これっていくらぐらいしたの?	bunbuku	Sorry to be so direct, but how much did you pay for this?	CM
214161	51453	すみませんが、一番近い地下鉄の駅を教えてくれませんか。	\N	Excuse me. Can you direct me to the nearest subway station?	CK
0	587613	0	0	You disobeyed a direct order and must pay the consequences.	darinmex
203865	41106	ダイレクト・マーケティングは人々が家に居ながらにして買い物が出来る方法である。	\N	Direct marketing is a means of allowing people to shop from home.	CM
126488	277502	中国への海外からの直接投資は昨年30億ドルに達した。	\N	Foreign direct investments in China amounted to $3 billion last year.	CM
769614	611375	私たちは逐語的な直訳ではなく自然に聞こえる翻訳が欲しいと思います。	arihato	We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations.	CK
2225905	611375	私たちが求めているのは、一語一語の直訳ではなく、自然な翻訳です。	tommy_san	We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations.	CK
0	1437960	0	0	Can you list the situations in which a supervisor should give a direct order?	caspian