Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Director"
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152529	262021	私は役員になった。	\N	I became a director.	CK	1
0	1093455	0	0	Tom is on the board of directors.	CK	1
0	908726	0	0	Who's your favorite movie director?	CK	1
78657	325059	来週の火曜日に役員会がその提案を検討することになっている。	mookeee	The board of directors is going to discuss the proposal next Tuesday.	CK	1
0	1003118	0	0	Where's the director?	ellasevia
0	2099995	0	0	The director reprimanded you.	AlanF_US
1484722	1386857	彼は才能のある若い監督だ。	marshmallowcat	He's a talented young director.	Spamster
96272	307433	彼らは彼を理事に任命した。	\N	They appointed him as a director.	CK
119333	284330	彼が理事長の代行をしている。	bunbuku	He is acting for the chief director.	CM
0	1712905	0	0	Steven Spielberg is a film director.	Amastan
211593	48870	その監督は批評を気にする。	\N	The director is sensitive to criticism.	CK
2763601	48870	あの監督は批判に対して敏感だ。	bunbuku	The director is sensitive to criticism.	CK
156151	258383	私は社長に会いたいのです。	\N	I want to see the director of the company.	CK
0	680718	0	0	The actor had a dispute with his director.	Source_VOA
0	1067393	0	0	He made reference to the previous director.	Guybrush88
0	2959229	0	0	Our relations with our director are excellent.	sharptoothed
99077	304622	彼は理事なので、それにふさわしい扱いを受けるべきである。	\N	He is a director, and should be treated as such.	CM
0	526640	0	0	We should write a formal letter to the director.	CK
229900	67263	ある映画監督が一目見てケイトに魅了されました。	\N	The movie director was enchanted by Kate at first sight.	CM
173872	240598	向こうで葉巻を吸っている背の高い男の人は有名な映画監督だ。	\N	The tall guy smoking a cigar over there is a famous director.	CK
117475	286189	彼の公式の肩書きは環境庁長官です。	mookeee	His official title is Director-General of the Environment Agency.	bluepie88
108534	295152	彼は疑いもなく世界で最も成功した映画監督だ。	\N	He is without doubt the most successful movie director in the world.	CK
80873	322842	矛盾する報告を受けて、その役員は自分の立場を考え直した。	\N	Conflicting reports prompted the director to reconsider her position.	papabear
141417	273154	専務取締役にご就任されるとのこと、おめでとうございます。	\N	I was delighted to hear of your promotion to Senior Managing Director.	CK
1247687	273154	専務取締役ご就任と聞き、大変喜ばしく思いました。	bunbuku	I was delighted to hear of your promotion to Senior Managing Director.	CK
0	681544	0	0	Tom was named the head of the organization after the director retired.	Source_VOA
74044	329676	いい監督を探すのに3年費やしたが、見つからなかった。	fcbond	I spent three years looking for a good director, but couldn't find one.	fcbond
180009	18869	局長は、現地の朝日の記者を現場に行かせようとしていた。	bunbuku	The director wanted the local Asahi reporter to go to the scene of the crime.	CK
211854	49131	その会社に就職して3年も経たないうちに彼は重役になった。	\N	He had not been employed by the company three years before he become a director.	CM
175210	239256	研究部長はその部門が新製品のテストをするにあたって、徹底的な仕事をさせた。	\N	The research director had the department do a thorough job in testing the new product.	CK
0	2931967	0	0	Tom used his secluded cabin in the woods as a getaway from his hectic life as a company director.	patgfisher