0 1887919 0 0 I was dismissed. CK 1 0 2202777 0 0 You're dismissed. CK 1 0 2239773 0 0 Tom was dismissed. CK 1 0 2248339 0 0 I've been dismissed. CK 1 0 2270345 0 0 Don't dismiss any possibility. CK 1 199895 513528 トムは首になった。 bunbuku Tom was dismissed from his job. CK 1 199793 36995 トムは予告無しに解雇された。 \N Tom was dismissed without notice. CM 1 0 680716 0 0 Tom dismissed what Mary was saying. Source_VOA 1 141670 272900 先生はベルが鳴ったとき授業を終えた。 mookeee The teacher dismissed his class when the bell rang. CK 1 0 1744815 0 0 I have to dismiss Ken. Amastan 85862 317850 秘書は解雇された。 \N The secretary was dismissed. CM 104347 299344 彼は従業員の大部分を解雇した。 \N He dismissed most of his men. CM 99202 304497 彼は予告もなしに解雇された。 \N He was dismissed without notice. CM 0 680715 0 0 We'll dismiss class early today. Source_VOA 0 680714 0 0 The professor dismissed his ideas. Source_VOA 196911 1347344 フレッドが解雇されたって聞いた? \N Did you hear that Fred was dismissed? CM 169898 244588 昨日雇い主が彼を解雇した。 \N His employer dismissed him yesterday. Dejo 196603 1347446 ヘンリーは高齢を理由に解雇された。 \N Henry was dismissed because he was old. CK 88619 315088 彼女は職務を怠ったため解雇された。 \N She was dismissed for loafing on the job. CM 0 1577222 0 0 He was dismissed by the boss of the factory. eastasiastudent 120539 283470 彼が解雇される理由はない。 \N There is no reason why he should be dismissed. CM 215958 53258 ジムは職権乱用で免職になった。 \N Jim got dismissed for his misconduct in office. CM 85068 318645 不正行為のため彼は解雇された。 \N He was dismissed by the company for a misconduct. CM 0 2251950 0 0 Your Honor, I shall have to dismiss the entire panel. MrShoval 127365 276724 短期契約社員達は予告なしに解雇された。 \N The short term contract employees were dismissed without notice. CM 212662 49945 そのプロジェクトの責任者であったジェイソンが、汚職に手を染めた理由で解任された。 \N Jason, who was in charge of the project, was dismissed for corruption. CM 451433 451434 ダイアログボックスを閉じるには、ウィンドウの右上にある X ボタンをクリックする必要があります。 blay_paul To dismiss the dialog box you need to click the X at the top right of the window. blay_paul