0 2060077 0 0 Tom has a learning disorder. CK 1 0 2358977 0 0 I have an eating disorder. CK 84144 319571 部屋は散らかり放題だった。 tommy_san The room was in total disorder. CM 0 2265753 0 0 Disorder prevails in the street. _undertoad 0 2784436 0 0 Tom is suffering from a nervous disorder. sharptoothed 0 3067225 0 0 Tom thinks Mary may have an eating disorder. CK 0 954322 0 0 That psychiatrist specialized in eating disorders. CK 0 954317 0 0 That doctor specializes in helping those with eating disorders. CK 0 3006272 0 0 Tom suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and is plagued by nightmares. patgfisher