Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Divide"
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0	2450001	0	0	Divide this among yourselves.	sharptoothed	1
178775	17628	君たち三人でそのケーキを分けなさい。	bunbuku	Divide the cake among you three.	Swift	1
2607615	62653	あなたたち2人でケーキを分けなさい。	bunbuku	Divide the cake between you two.	CK	1
225316	62653	ケーキをあなた方2人で分けなさい。	\N	Divide the cake between you two.	CK	1
211370	48645	その金は我々の間で分けてしまった。	\N	We divided the money between us.	CK	1
0	680727	0	0	Tom divided the bread into two pieces.	Source_VOA	1
236895	2682705	彼はリンゴを私たち5人に分けてくれた。	mookeee	He divided the apples among the five of us.	CK	1
2567776	59617	このお金は2人で山分けしよう。	tommy_san	Let's divide this money between you and me.	CK	1
222290	59617	この金をあなたと私の2人で分けよう。	\N	Let's divide this money between you and me.	CK	1
0	1026220	0	0	Tom divided the pie into three equal parts.	CK	1
236088	73464	10ドルを私たち5人で分けた。	mookeee	We divided ten dollars among the five of us.	CK	1
0	1656212	0	0	Divide and conquer.	charlotte13
0	2265759	0	0	Divide this in half.	_undertoad
141405	273166	川がその町を分断している。	\N	A river divides the town.	CM
0	896141	0	0	Divide the pizza in three.	pauldhunt
0	806959	0	0	The opposition was divided.	Source_VOA
0	2550034	0	0	Divide the money among you.	sharptoothed
0	713155	0	0	Six divided by two is three.	Guybrush88
0	2673825	0	0	Divide the candles among you.	marcelostockle
206514	43762	その問題で上院議員の意見が分かれた。	\N	The issue divided the senators.	CM
0	1092483	0	0	Tom wanted to unite not divide.	CK
0	1304582	0	0	Twelve divided by three is four.	candistyx
212701	49984	そのピザを三人で分けなさい。	\N	Divide the pizza among you three.	CK
220399	57721	この点については意見が区々に分かれている。	\N	Opinion is divided on this point.	CM
0	337183	0	0	United we stand, divided we fall.	qsanta
0	680725	0	0	Let's divide the check between us.	Source_VOA
237347	39922	ついたてで部屋が2つに分かれている。	mookeee	A screen divided the room into two.	Swift
1143334	39922	ついたてが部屋を二つに分かっている。	mookeee	A screen divided the room into two.	Swift
210043	47306	その試験は2つのパートに分かれていた。	\N	The exam was divided into two parts.	CK
225293	62630	ケーキを二人に分けた。	bunbuku	She divided the cake between the two.	CK
92613	311097	彼女はそのケーキを6つに分けた。	\N	She divided the cake into six pieces.	CK
219630	56951	この本は四部に分かれている。	\N	This book is divided into four parts.	CK
0	807306	0	0	The revolution divided many families.	Source_VOA
217735	55045	これらのりんごを3人で分けなさい。	\N	Divide these apples between you three.	sysko
92925	310784	彼女はケーキを五つに分けた。	\N	She divided the cake into five pieces.	CK
211367	48642	その金は三人で分けられた。	\N	The money was divided among the three.	CM
0	875643	0	0	This analysis is divided in two parts.	alexmarcelo
213248	50534	そのクラスは4つのグループに分けられた。	\N	The class was divided into four groups.	CK
141765	272805	先生たちはその問題をめぐって賛否が分かれた。	\N	The teachers were divided on the issue.	CM
98151	305551	彼らはお金を自分たちで分けた。	\N	They divided the money among themselves.	CK
0	2820843	0	0	We can divide the work into three parts.	sharptoothed
220777	58099	この線を20等分せよ。	\N	Divide this line into twenty equal parts.	CM
83076	320640	母はケーキを三つに分けた。	\N	Mother divided the cake into three parts.	CM
206208	43454	その林檎を取って半分に割りなさい。	\N	Take the apple and divide it into halves.	CM
212442	43454	そのりんごを採って半分に切りなさい。	\N	Take the apple and divide it into halves.	CM
0	2270063	0	0	We'll divide the profits among all of us.	_undertoad
0	1112788	0	0	The team was divided into smaller groups.	Nero
0	1548133	0	0	Please divide the pizza into three parts.	CM
83078	320638	母はケーキを8つに分けました。	bunbuku	Mother divided the cake into eight pieces.	CM
123219	280780	内部分裂した家は倒れる。	\N	A house divided against itself can't stand.	CM