Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Due"
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0	2215704	0	0	Tom will make due.	CK	1
0	2996559	0	0	When's Tom due back?	CK	1
77523	326196	列車は6時到着のはずだった。	mookeee	The train was due at 6.	CM	1
77481	326238	列車は正午に到着するはずです。	mookeee	The train is due at noon.	CK	1
186911	24049	家賃は明日支払わなければならない。	\N	The rent is due tomorrow.	CK	1
0	2276328	0	0	My report is due tomorrow.	CK	1
199877	37081	トムは正午に来るはずだ。	bunbuku	Tom is due to come at noon.	CK	1
0	2957376	0	0	Tom isn't due here till 2:30.	CK	1
0	1025055	0	0	Tom is due to arrive here soon.	CK	1
0	1963166	0	0	When is the ship due to arrive?	CK	1
108244	295442	彼は金がなかったので失敗した。	bunbuku	He failed, due to lack of money.	CK	1
1075638	1076312	彼は自分の成功を運がいいからだと考えている。	bunbuku	He thinks that his success is due to luck.	CK	1
151920	262633	私達の旅行は大雪のため中止になった。	mookeee	Our trip was canceled due to the heavy snow.	CK	1
156014	258522	私は十分考慮した結果、申し出に応じることにした。	bunbuku	I accepted the offer after due consideration.	CK	1
178422	17274	君の記憶力が悪いのは人の話を聞く習慣がちゃんとできていないからだ。	bunbuku	Your poor memory is due to poor listening habits.	Zifre	1
0	2293200	0	0	I assume this is due to the fact that Tom is a minor.	CK	1
187297	24434	価格が下がったので輸入車への需要が伸びている。	mookeee	Demand for imported cars is increasing due to lower prices.	NekoKanjya	1
0	1027218	0	0	Tom admitted that it was due to his carelessness that the accident had happened.	CK	1
185752	22884	我々は真っすぐ北へ進んだ。	\N	We went due north.	CM
0	1073552	0	0	When is the paper due?	eeveeta
124139	28534	盗人にも三分の理。	\N	Give the devil his due.	CM
191373	28534	悪魔にも当然与えるべきものは与えよ。	\N	Give the devil his due.	CM
183137	20259	汽車は6時到着の予定だった。	\N	The train was due at six.	NekoKanjya
156898	257636	私は今夜話すことになっている。	bunbuku	I am due to speak tonight.	CK
1226326	257636	私は今夜講演する予定だ。	bunbuku	I am due to speak tonight.	CK
85650	318063	飛行機は午後七時着の予定だ。	\N	The plane is due at 7 p.m.	CK
220475	57798	この通りは真北に伸びている。	\N	This street runs due north.	CM
192331	29494	レポートは来週の月曜日が〆切です。	\N	Reports are due next Monday.	CK
99581	304115	彼は明日着く予定だ。	bunbuku	He is due to arrive tomorrow.	CK
86855	316855	彼女は風邪を引いて欠席しました。	\N	She was absent due to a cold.	CK
0	987305	0	0	Work is due to begin tomorrow.	alexmarcelo
0	1345237	0	0	The homework is due next week.	Chrikaru
120474	283535	彼が休んだのは病気のためだ。	bunbuku	His absence was due to illness.	CM
191407	28569	悪人でも手柄は認めてやれ。	\N	Give credit where credit is due.	CK
101853	301840	彼は努力が足りないので失敗した。	\N	He failed due to lack of effort.	CK
154143	260400	私は彼に支払うべき金を払った。	\N	I paid him the money due to him.	CM
163228	251284	私の成功は君の助けのおかげだ。	\N	My success was due to your help.	CK
147888	266672	宿題の提出期限は来週の月曜日です。	\N	The homework is due next Monday.	CK
99096	304603	彼は嵐のため欠席した。	bunbuku	His absence was due to the storm.	CK
198119	35309	バスはもうやってくる時間だ。	\N	The bus is due here any time now.	CM
0	2495045	0	0	You'll be notified in due course.	sharptoothed
0	813902	0	0	We'll think about it in due time.	U2FS
0	2958522	0	0	Tom was due here three hours ago.	CK
163232	251280	私の成功はもっぱら幸運の賜物だ。	\N	My success was largely due to luck.	CK
166914	1166435	私たちの成功は彼の努力のお陰だった。	\N	Our success was due to his efforts.	etoile
151054	263502	試合が雨で延期した。	\N	The game was postponed due to rain.	blay_paul
124779	279215	電車は正午到着予定です。	\N	The train is due to arrive at noon.	CK
120196	283813	彼が失敗したのは怠けたせいだ。	mookeee	His failure was due to his idleness.	CM
117105	286561	彼の失敗は無知のせいである。	\N	His failure is due to his ignorance.	CK
116740	286928	彼の成功はいくらかは運がよかったためだ。	\N	His success was in part due to luck.	CM