Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Educate"
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0	1025150	0	0	Tom is a self-educated man.	CK	1
86818	316892	彼女は米国で教育を受けた。	mookeee	She was educated in the United States.	CK	1
0	1205970	0	0	She is an educated girl.	dermberg
0	806885	0	0	Ford was poorly educated.	Source_VOA
114249	289423	彼はオックスフォードで教育を受けた。	\N	He was educated at Oxford.	CK
87675	316034	彼女は独学の人です。	\N	She is a self-educated woman.	CK
0	2541929	0	0	I'm a fairly well-educated guy.	CK
191150	1477689	伊藤さんはたいへん学識のある人です。	\N	Mr. Ito is a highly educated man.	CK
107437	292420	彼は公立学校で教育を受けた。	\N	He was educated at a public school.	CK
111263	292420	彼はパブリックスクールで教育された。	\N	He was educated at a public school.	CK
2311940	300793	彼は彼女のおじいさんに教育された。	bunbuku	He was educated by her grandfather.	CK
102901	2311825	彼は祖父に教育された。	\N	He was educated by his grandfather.	CK
88209	315498	彼女は祖父に教育された。	\N	She was educated by her grandfather.	CK
192007	29169	わが社の社員はかなり高度な教育を受けている。	\N	Our personnel are very highly educated.	CK
147237	267324	女性を教育する大学はほとんど無かった。	\N	There were few colleges to educate women.	CM
0	3109526	0	0	You can make an educated guess, can't you?	CK
0	1893294	0	0	I was born in Matsuyama and was educated there.	dgibbons
174879	239588	現在人々はかつてより以上に教育を受けている。	\N	People are more educated now than they used to be.	CK
114708	288963	彼はイギリスで生まれたが、アメリカで教育を受けた。	\N	He was born in England, but was educated in America.	CM
115709	287961	彼は、アメリカで教育を受けたことを自慢している。	bunbuku	He is proud of having been educated in the United States.	CK
89732	313983	彼女は子供の教育にどんなに苦労したことでしょう。	\N	You will never know what she went through to educate her children.	CM
0	1233289	0	0	I'm not an expert, so my answer to your question is just an educated guess.	PeterR
180141	19001	教養のある人によくあることだが、彼はジャズより古典音楽が好きだ。	\N	As is often the case with educated people, he likes classical music better than jazz.	NekoKanjya
98332	305370	彼らは、親の世代が彼らの年齢だった頃よりも十分に教育を受けているし、より健康で裕福でもある。	\N	They are better educated, healthier and wealthier than their parents' generation was at their age.	CK