Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Education"
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237051	1005359	教育は家庭に始まる。	mookeee	Education begins at home.	ellasevia	1
237051	19122	教育は家庭に始まる。	mookeee	Education starts at home.	CK	1
2852991	2853036	トムはあまり教育を受けていない。	tommy_san	Tom hasn't had much education.	CK	1
0	1093839	0	0	Tom had little formal education.	CK	1
866762	803074	彼は全くと云ってよいほど、正式な教育を受けたことがない。	thyc244	He had almost no formal education.	Source_VOA	1
0	1025499	0	0	Tom has a degree in music education.	CK	1
0	1092597	0	0	Tom used to be a special education teacher.	CK	1
108351	295335	彼は教育の重要性を強調した。	bunbuku	He placed emphasis on the importance of education.	CK	1
1513295	886952	子供の教育について、彼女が彼と喧嘩しました。	adlnbvrtn	She argued with him about their children's education.	CK	1
78015	269755	両親は子どもの教育に対して責任がある。	mookeee	Parents are responsible for their children's education.	CK	1
78013	269755	両親は子供達の教育に責任を負う。	mookeee	Parents are responsible for their children's education.	CK	1
144809	269755	親は子供の教育に対して責任がある。	\N	Parents are responsible for their children's education.	CK	1
155570	258968	私は政府の教育政策には賛成できません。	bunbuku	I don't agree with the government's policy on education.	CK	1
0	1578637	0	0	Tom began to worry about how he would pay for his son's education.	CK	1
0	1095785	0	0	Tom began to worry about how he was going to pay for his son's education.	CK	1
0	1898400	0	0	Education is important.	CK
108353	295333	彼は教育のある人だ。	\N	He is a man of education.	CM
0	748240	0	0	He had a classic education.	Guybrush88
0	1488118	0	0	Education is very important.	arnxy20
114856	288815	彼はあまり教育を受けていない。	\N	He hasn't had much education.	CK
99030	304669	彼は立派な教育を受けた。	\N	He received a good education.	CM
0	1404508	0	0	This book is about education.	CK
0	1230707	0	0	I think exams ruin education.	alec
0	545634	0	0	Education is the key to success.	darinmex
109951	293738	彼は一生を教育に捧げた。	marcelostockle	He devoted his life to education.	CK
0	1829490	0	0	What is the purpose of education?	Spamster
86304	317407	彼女は立派な教育を受けた。	mookeee	She has received a good education.	CK
180340	19116	教育は人格の形成を助ける。	\N	Education helps to mold character.	contour
91148	312566	彼女は一生を教育に捧げた。	\N	She devoted her life to education.	CK
167737	246762	私が今日あるのは、教育のおかげです。	\N	I owe what I am today to education.	mamat
0	2738742	0	0	Tom is in a special education class.	Hybrid
0	1812063	0	0	Everyone has the right to education.	Ameer
106559	297126	彼は子供たちに良い教育を受けさせた。	bunbuku	He gave his children a good education.	CK
106560	297126	彼は子供たちに立派な教育を受けさせた。	bunbuku	He gave his children a good education.	CK
155655	258883	私は人生を教育に捧げたい。	\N	I want to devote my life to education.	CK
101213	302483	彼は晩学だ。	\N	He acquired education late in his life.	CK
1184790	302483	彼は年をとってから教育を受けた。	bunbuku	He acquired education late in his life.	CK
0	2890284	0	0	Do you intend to pursue your education?	sharptoothed
114357	289315	彼はイングランドで立派な教育をうけた。	\N	He received a good education in England.	CK
137995	275240	体育は必修科目ですか。	\N	Is physical education a required course?	CK
180321	19112	教育は未来への投資である。	\N	Education is an investment in the future.	NekoKanjya
99029	304670	彼は立派な教育を受けたという強みがある。	\N	He has the advantage of a good education.	Zifre
180350	19127	教育の究極の目標とは何だろうか。	dryhay	What is the ultimate purpose of education?	CK
143236	271332	成功への鍵を握るのは教育である。	\N	It is education that is key to the success.	CK
225224	62560	ケリーは体育をサボって家に帰った。	\N	Kelly cut physical education and went home.	CK
90461	313252	彼女は教育の重要性を力説した。	\N	She emphasized the importance of education.	CK
178672	17524	君にはりっぱな教育を受けたという利点がある。	\N	You have the advantage of a good education.	darinmex
233740	17524	あなたには立派な教育を受けたという利点がある。	\N	You have the advantage of a good education.	darinmex
0	1482467	0	0	I'm getting a master's degree in education.	weihaiping
0	688612	0	0	Do you have plans for additional education?	pandark