0 681007 0 0 Tom saw his former employer at a conference. Source_VOA 1 169898 244588 昨日雇い主が彼を解雇した。 \N His employer dismissed him yesterday. Dejo 194601 31774 メアリーは、雇い主に昇給してもらった。 \N Mary was given a raise by her employer. CM 174455 240014 雇い主は、時に従業員を搾取する。 \N Employers sometimes exploit their workers. CM 209190 46452 その少女は雇主の金をもって逃げた。 \N The girl made off with her employer's money. CK 107508 296178 彼は雇い主と口論して首になった。 \N He had words with his employer and was fired. CK 0 2959435 0 0 Have you any references from your other employers? sharptoothed 0 1261932 0 0 Employers expect their employees to give 110 percent. Guybrush88 174448 240021 雇用主は彼の協力に心から感謝した。 \N His employer was sincerely grateful for his cooperation. CM 95135 308571 彼女たちは雇い主から軽蔑されることにうんざりしてきている。 \N Women have grown tired of being looked down on by employers. CM 0 681453 0 0 The job applicant did not meet the expectations of the employer. Source_VOA 0 2970740 0 0 Employers are not required to give their employees paid sick leave. Hybrid 0 2160584 0 0 The organization of employers is an organization with a great deal of influence. AlanF_US