0 1624888 0 0 Did you see yesterday's episode? marcelostockle 0 906894 0 0 What's your favorite Star Trek episode? CK 0 1624889 0 0 Are you going to record today's episode? marcelostockle 0 906754 0 0 What's your favorite episode from season two? CK 4871 2735714 でもほんとに、エピソード21には涙が出るほど笑ったよ。 bunbuku Seriously though, episode 21 made me laugh so hard I almost cried. CK 231288 68655 あのドラマ、最後にいつも意味深な言葉を言って終わるよね。 bunbuku Each episode of that TV drama ends with somebody delivering a profound line. CM 651912 650174 仕事で遅くなったせいで、私がいつも見ている連続番組を見逃すのは嫌だ。 qahwa I hate it when I work late and end up missing an episode of a show I'm following. saeb 1108280 1108355 このアニメ、子供時代によく見てたんだけど、最終回で主人公がどうなったかの記憶があやふやなんだ。 bunbuku I used to watch this anime a lot when I was a kid, but I can't quite remember what happened to the hero in the final episode. CK