0 2549542 0 0 I won the event. CK 1 228564 65922 イベントを延期しました。 marcelostockle We postponed the event. CK 1 0 1030006 0 0 Tom accompanied Mary to the event. CK 1 235215 72593 4月には学校行事がたくさんある。 bunbuku In April we have a lot of school events. CK 1 0 1024921 0 0 Tom is on the committee in charge of the event. CK 1 0 1026676 0 0 Tom closed his diary after writing about that day's events. CK 1 0 1092748 0 0 Tom thought that Mary was probably not going to attend the event. CK 1 221663 58989 この事件の事はまるで昨日の事のようにはっきり覚えています。 bunbuku I remember the event as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday. CM 1 160043 58989 私はその出来事を、ほんの昨日起こったかのように、はっきりと覚えている。 \N I remember the event as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday. CM 1 0 1300798 0 0 It was a church event. Guybrush88 0 816875 0 0 I postponed the event. Cindrogriza 0 680853 0 0 Tom loves sports events. Source_VOA 0 1104707 0 0 The event made him famous. jackloring 218266 55578 これは重要な行事です。 \N This is an important event. CK 0 2761676 0 0 The event happened long ago. sharptoothed 209953 47216 その事件は彼の将来に影響した。 \N The event affected his future. CM 0 681368 0 0 The events were closely linked. Source_VOA 82589 321127 忘れがたい事件が起こった。 \N An unforgettable event occurred. CM 209965 47228 その事件は15年前に起こったものだ。 \N That event happened 15 years ago. CK 0 680852 0 0 They're going to a charity event. Source_VOA 0 2116222 0 0 The play is based on true events. freddy1 143680 270886 水泳大会が中止になった。 \N The swimming event was called off. CK 0 471384 0 0 I took part in the sporting event. FeuDRenais 235888 73269 1990年の主な出来事は何でしたか。 mookeee What were the chief events of 1990? CM 1215128 73269 1990年の主要な出来事といえば何でしょう? mookeee What were the chief events of 1990? CM 1215129 73269 1990年の重大事件といえば何でしょう? mookeee What were the chief events of 1990? CM 212503 49787 そのような事件は当地ではざらにある。 \N Such an event is quite common here. CM 0 1351011 0 0 Tell me your version of the events. Eldad 0 2009065 0 0 It's a story based on a real event. Guybrush88 217344 54653 こんな成り行きになるとは思わなかった。 \N I didn't foresee this turn of events. CK 219937 57257 この物語は実際の出来事に基づいている。 \N This story is based on actual events. CK 0 1476589 0 0 Tom took part in a promotional event. Spamster 0 2994271 0 0 This story is based on actual events. patgfisher 232603 69973 あなたはその催し物がいつ行われたか知っていますか。 \N Do you know when the event took place? CM 208703 45962 その成り行きにはあまり興味が無い。 \N I'm not overly interested in the event. CM 227767 65120 おおむね、そのイベントは成功した。 \N On the whole, the event was successful. CK 209963 47225 その事件はまだ我々の記憶に新しい。 \N The event is still fresh in our memory. Dejo 79030 324687 予期せぬ出来事に備えなければなりません。 \N We should provide for unexpected events. CK 213144 50429 そのことはうろ覚えに覚えてはいる。 \N I have a faint recollection of the event. CM 104279 291001 彼は出来事を重大視した。 \N He attached great importance to the event. CM 112675 291001 彼はその出来事を重大視した。 \N He attached great importance to the event. CM 0 680854 0 0 The wedding is going to be quite an event. Source_VOA 0 662992 0 0 The events unfolded just as she predicted. darinmex 209415 46676 その出来事は今でも私の記憶に生々しく残っている。 \N The event still remains vivid in my memory. CM 0 562059 0 0 The recent events have affected him deeply. darinmex 210547 47817 その催し物にはかなり多くの人が出た。 \N Quite a few people turned out for the event. CM 210548 47817 その催し物にはかなりの人が出た。 \N Quite a few people turned out for the event. CM 0 776207 0 0 Choose a particular event you remember well. Guybrush88 136204 276635 誰も事件の順序を思い出すことができなかった。 \N Nobody could remember the sequence of events. CK 167531 246969 私が働いている会社は、いくつかの文化事業を後援しています。 \N Our company supports several cultural events. CK