Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Exact"
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202515	39744	つり銭のいらないようにお願いします。	\N	Exact change, please.	CK	1
142973	271595	正確な時間は何時ですか。	\N	What is the exact time?	CK	1
0	1771705	0	0	I had the exact same feeling.	Spamster	1
142969	271598	正確な時間を知りたいのですが。	mookeee	I'd like to know the exact time.	CK	1
0	2290334	0	0	I didn't know the exact procedure.	CK	1
3192622	2539854	僕も全く同じこと考えてた。	tommy_san	I was thinking the exact same thing.	CK	1
142971	271597	正確な時間を教えてくれませんか。	\N	Can you tell me the exact time, please?	CK	1
156302	258232	私は自分が生まれた正確な場所を知らない。	bunbuku	I don't know the exact place I was born.	CK	1
156231	258232	私は自分の生まれた正確な場所を知らない。	bunbuku	I don't know the exact place I was born.	CK	1
201503	1318718	どうしても正確な言葉を思い出せない。	mookeee	No matter how hard I try, I can't remember the exact words.	CK	1
0	2047353	0	0	That's an exact measurement.	AlanF_US
0	2892315	0	0	Tom has this exact same coat.	CK
0	680863	0	0	They have the exact same face.	Source_VOA
153875	260668	私は彼の述べたことをそっくりそのまま返した。	bunbuku	I repeated his exact statement.	CM
155568	258970	私は正確な日付は覚えていない。	raeldor	I'm not sure of the exact date.	CK
0	1520635	0	0	I thought the same exact thing.	Guybrush88
0	680864	0	0	The measurement has to be exact.	Source_VOA
0	3045719	0	0	Show me the exact spot you mean.	sharptoothed
0	2181902	0	0	The exact same thing happened to me.	Hybrid
0	3131743	0	0	The exact same thing happened to Tom.	CK
218930	56246	これが原本の正確な写しだ。	\N	This is an exact copy of the original.	CM
0	3068954	0	0	Tom did the exact same thing Mary did.	CK
0	2950635	0	0	What is the exact meaning of this word?	Ooneykcall
0	3122977	0	0	I need to know the exact date and time.	CK
205892	43138	それが起こった正確な時間を知っています。	\N	I know the exact time when that happened.	CK
0	939284	0	0	Does someone have the exact time, please?	Guybrush88
0	732297	0	0	Could you tell me the exact time, please?	Eldad
0	680861	0	0	The bank needs a check for the exact amount.	Source_VOA
222339	59665	この橋の正確な長さは知らない。	\N	I don't know the exact length of this bridge.	CK
149992	264565	自分が生まれた正確な場所を知らない。	\N	I do not know the exact place that I was born.	CK
0	680862	0	0	Can you give an exact report of what happened?	Source_VOA
2481333	2169272	この言葉の厳密な意味を説明してもらえますか?	tommy_san	Can you explain the exact meaning of this word?	FeuDRenais
142975	271593	正確な気温は摂氏22.68度です。	\N	The exact temperature is 22.68 degrees Celsius.	CK
206873	44122	その文の正確な意味が分からない。	\N	I can't get at the exact meaning of the sentence.	CK
188819	25966	円の為替レートを知りたいんですけど。	\N	I'd like to know the exact exchange rate for yen.	NekoKanjya
0	1128094	0	0	He built an exact replica of Notre Dame Cathedral.	CK
150219	264338	次の列車が到着する正確な時刻を教えてください。	\N	Tell me the exact time when the next train will arrive.	CK
0	1472101	0	0	I do not understand the exact meaning of this sentence.	kostas
0	2674168	0	0	I repeated what he said, in the exact same way he said it.	Joseph
210819	48089	その語の正確な意味を言っていただけませんか。	mookeee	Will you please explain to me the exact meaning of the word?	CK
157593	256938	私は教授です、いやもっと正確に言えば、助教授です。	\N	I'm a professor, or rather an associate professor, to be exact.	darinmex
142970	271599	正確な値段は忘れましたが、170ドル程度でした。	\N	I forgot what the exact price was, but it was about 170 dollars.	CK
79242	324475	有料高速道路の通行料金を払うにはお釣りがあってはいけません。	\N	You need to have exact change to pay the toll of the expressway.	CK
0	1398256	0	0	Tom and Mary have about 20 children, but they're not quite sure of the exact number.	Spamster