Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Example"
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77683	395402	例を一つ示してください。	mookeee	Show me an example.	CK	1
0	2648139	0	0	Give us an example.	CK	1
77683	326035	例を一つ示してください。	mookeee	Quote me an example.	CK	1
83403	320313	別の例を示しなさい。	mookeee	Show me another example.	CK	1
83404	320312	別の例をあげてください。	\N	Give me another example.	CK	1
0	2331857	0	0	I had to set an example.	CK	1
0	2360573	0	0	I have to set an example.	CK	1
177479	16329	君は悪い前例を作ってしまった。	\N	You've set a bad example.	CK	1
0	2987068	0	0	Can you give us an example?	CK	1
0	2331856	0	0	I had to set a good example.	CK	1
0	2543670	0	0	I'll give you some examples.	CK	1
0	2360572	0	0	I have to set a good example.	CK	1
0	2210627	0	0	Why don't you follow Tom's example?	CK	1
0	1887016	0	0	I can't think of a suitable example.	Asma	1
0	1542387	0	0	They killed Tom as an example to the other prisoners.	Spamster	1
95865	307840	彼を手本にしなさい。	\N	Follow his example.	CK
0	594602	0	0	Give me an example.	Shishir
106059	297627	彼は私に実例をあたえてくれた。	\N	He gave me an example.	CK
0	2167391	0	0	It was a good example.	alexmarcelo
0	2807667	0	0	It was just an example.	Hybrid
0	3022217	0	0	Try to set a good example.	sharptoothed
161767	71020	私はあなたに一例を示しましょう。	\N	Let me give you an example.	Zifre
233648	71020	あなたに例を示しましょう。	\N	Let me give you an example.	Zifre
0	2550028	0	0	Take this one, for example.	sharptoothed
0	1620903	0	0	Let me show you an example.	Spamster
0	490674	0	0	Can you give me an example?	darinmex
146284	268278	上に上げた例を見なさい。	\N	See the example given above.	CK
0	1454613	0	0	Give me a different example.	qana
168929	620391	姉さんを見習いなさい。	\N	Follow your sister's example.	kebukebu
201247	38454	どうぞ例をあげてください。	\N	Please give us some examples.	CK
218075	55386	これは模範となる。	\N	This will set a good example.	CM
185579	22712	我々は彼を手本とすべきだ。	\N	We should follow his example.	CK
0	2055178	0	0	It's easy to find an example.	charlotte13
0	2550012	0	0	Could you give me an example?	sharptoothed
0	2543247	0	0	Could you give me an example?	CK
217662	54972	これを戒めとしなさい。	\N	Let this be an example to you.	CM
152850	261697	私は母を手本にした。	\N	I followed my mother's example.	CK
83415	320301	別の実例を教えてください。	\N	Please show me another example.	CK
3232489	3232531	トムを見習いなさい。	tommy_san	You should follow Tom's example.	CK
0	3152725	0	0	Let me give you another example.	CK
77707	326011	例えば、君は英語が好きですか。	mookeee	For example, do you like English?	CM
337412	326011	例えば、英語が好きですか。	Swift	For example, do you like English?	CM
0	680345	0	0	There are many examples of beauty.	Source_VOA
0	3154041	0	0	Give me an example of what you mean.	CK
0	3154047	0	0	Could you give us an example, please?	CK
178478	17330	君のワークブックの最初の例題をしなさい。	\N	Do the first example in your workbook.	papabear
0	2265977	0	0	Give me an example. I don't understand.	_undertoad
769093	525267	Tatoebaとは日本語で「例えば」という意味です。	arihato	Tatoeba means "for example" in Japanese.	Snout
178281	17133	君の作文を手本と比べてみたまえ。	\N	Compare your composition with the example.	CK
0	3066890	0	0	Tom asked Mary to provide another example.	CK