Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Excitement"
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0	2892683	0	0	What's all the excitement?	CK	1
0	2016838	0	0	Don't you want a little excitement?	CK	1
0	2359822	0	0	I've had enough excitement for a while.	CK	1
137248	275988	大味な試合だった。	\N	The game lacked excitement.	CM
157587	256944	私は興奮して固唾をのんだ。	\N	I held my breath in excitement.	CM
0	2571519	0	0	What's all the excitement about?	sharptoothed
176715	237747	群衆が興奮してざわめいていた。	\N	The crowd buzzed with excitement.	CM
0	2474224	0	0	The audience buzzed with excitement.	sharptoothed
0	2956343	0	0	Tom could barely hide his excitement.	CK
0	2198642	0	0	I could barely contain my excitement.	Hybrid
0	2958667	0	0	Tom was unable to hide his excitement.	CK
180073	18933	興奮で彼女の心臓はどきどきしていた。	\N	Her heart was throbbing with excitement.	CK
192406	29570	ルーシーは興奮して我を忘れた。	bunbuku	Lucy was beside herself with excitement.	CM
0	2956341	0	0	Tom could barely conceal his excitement.	CK
0	631191	0	0	In my excitement, I wasn't aware of time.	ulyssemc1
0	2264198	0	0	Excitement isn't good for a man of my age.	sharptoothed
0	2772459	0	0	Excitement is not good for a man of my age.	carlosalberto
185349	22481	会議は熱気に包まれていた。	\N	There was an air of excitement at the meeting.	NekoKanjya
116411	287257	彼の到着の知らせで我々の興奮は高まった。	\N	The news of his arrival added to our excitement.	CM
83700	18941	奮闘がおさまると、話し合いが再び始まった。	\N	When the excitement died down, the discussion resumed.	NekoKanjya
180081	18941	興奮がおさまった時、話し合いが再び始まった。	\N	When the excitement died down, the discussion resumed.	NekoKanjya