Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Expose"
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0	2215631	0	0	Tom will be exposed.	CK	1
108673	295016	彼は危険な目に遭った。	bunbuku	He was exposed to danger.	CK	1
108669	295016	彼は危険に晒されていた。	\N	He was exposed to danger.	CK	1
204624	41865	それを雨にさらすな。	mookeee	Don't expose it to the rain.	CK	1
0	1025830	0	0	Tom exposed himself to danger.	CK	1
102599	301094	彼は多くの危険にさらされた。	mookeee	He was exposed to many dangers.	CK	1
0	887063	0	0	She deliberately exposed him to danger.	CK	1
0	2956701	0	0	Tom exposed Mary as a fraud.	CK
108668	295021	彼は危険に身をさらした。	\N	He exposed himself to danger.	CK
0	2268958	0	0	This mustn't be exposed to the sun.	_undertoad
107526	296160	彼は故意に彼女を危険にさらした。	\N	He deliberately exposed her to danger.	CK
87533	316175	彼女は肌を太陽にさらさなかった。	\N	She didn't expose her skin to the sun.	CK
92308	311403	彼女はその美貌のため多くの危険をともなった。	\N	Her beauty exposed her to many dangers.	CK
99345	304353	彼は勇敢にもそのスキャンダルを暴露した。	\N	He had the courage to expose the scandal.	CK
96498	307206	彼らは敵の砲火にさらされた。	\N	They were exposed to the enemy's gunfire.	CK
0	2958283	0	0	Tom threatened to expose the whole thing.	CK
123510	280487	道路をふらふら横断する人は非常な危険に身をさらす。	\N	A jaywalker exposes himself to great danger.	CM
186134	23268	我々はいつも何らかの危険にさらされている。	\N	We are always exposed to some kind of danger.	CK
219236	56552	この薬品は日光に当てないようにしなさい。	\N	Don't expose this chemical to direct sunlight.	CM
0	2957460	0	0	Tom lifted up his shirt and exposed his belly.	CK
78921	324794	幼い子どもを優れた音楽に触れさせるべきだ。	mookeee	Young children should be exposed to good music.	CM
230299	237490	あまり長い時間肌を太陽にさらしてはいけない。	\N	Don't expose your skin to the sun for too long.	CM
197948	35137	パティは浜辺で背中を太陽にさらした。	\N	Patty exposed her back to the sun on the beach.	CM
0	2270629	0	0	You're exposing yourself to a lot of criticism.	_undertoad
185804	22936	我々は時々日光にさらす必要がある。	\N	We should sometimes expose our bodies to the sun.	Swift
0	2957970	0	0	Tom rolled up his sleeve, exposing a hideous scar.	CK
142225	272345	赤ちゃんを強い日差しにさらすのは危険です。	\N	It's dangerous to expose babies to strong sunlight.	CM
184935	22066	絵画は直射日光にさらしてはならない。	\N	Paintings should not be exposed to direct sunlight.	NekoKanjya
108443	295243	彼は級友の嘲笑を浴びた。	\N	He exposed himself to the ridicule of his classmates.	CK
149486	265072	実は、その住民たちは放射線にずっとさらされてきた。	\N	In fact, the inhabitants have been exposed to radioactive rays.	CM
0	953965	0	0	If you weren't exposed to a language until you were an adult, you are very, very unlikely to ever sound like a native speaker of that language.	CK