1627097 1025928 トムはiPadは欲しくない。彼が欲しいのはFlashをサポートした携帯デバイスだ。 mookeee Tom doesn't want an iPad. He wants a portable device that supports Flash. CK 1 234331 71706 あっと言う間の出来事でした。 \N It happened in a flash. CM 196554 33732 ボートはたちまち沈んだ。 mookeee The boat sank in a flash. CM 0 2649830 0 0 It was all over in a flash. sharptoothed 115984 287685 彼の目は怒りでギラっと光った。 \N His eyes flashed with anger. CM 146199 268363 上部前方で何かが光っている。 \N Something is flashing up ahead. Dejo 0 2549958 0 0 The ship flashed a distress signal. sharptoothed 197026 34206 フラッシュを使ってもいいですか。 \N Is it all right to use a flash here? CM 224663 34206 ここでストロボ撮影をしてもいいですか。 \N Is it all right to use a flash here? CM 0 2649718 0 0 Did you see that flash of lightning? sharptoothed 0 2649704 0 0 An idea just flashed through my mind. sharptoothed 0 1531121 0 0 My flash drive isn't being recognized. erikspen 0 807393 0 0 The bomb exploded with a blinding flash. Source_VOA 0 1987958 0 0 They kept flashing that light in my eyes. FlamingTofu 158238 256292 私は遠くに稲妻のひらめきを見た。 \N I saw flashes of lightning in the distance. Nero 197822 35011 はるか遠方に稲妻が走るのが見えた。 \N I saw a flash of lightning far in the distance. CK 0 3170684 0 0 The alarm went off and a red light started flashing. CK 190010 27166 稲妻が走るたびに、犬はベッドの下に隠れた。 tommy_san The dog hid under the bed whenever lightning flashed. CK 2459234 27166 稲妻が光るたびに、犬はベッドの下に身を隠した。 tommy_san The dog hid under the bed whenever lightning flashed. CK 0 573592 0 0 Flash photography is not permitted beyond this point. darinmex 0 954351 0 0 The iPad would be a better product if it could handle Flash. CK 0 953732 0 0 I wish I could figure out how to get Flash to work on my iPad. CK 168172 246323 死にかけているのだとという思いがさっと彼女の頭をよぎった。 bunbuku The thought flashed through her mind that she was going to die. CM 0 954210 0 0 One of my major complaints about the iPhone is that it doesn't support Flash. CK 0 954352 0 0 The iPad would be a perfect solution for me if it could properly display web pages with Flash content. CK 1069156 918414 iPadではFlashのコンテンツが見られないが、そのウェブページのURLを自分へ電子メールで簡単に送ったら、家に帰って普通のパソコンで見ることが出来る。 tigro1973 You can't view Flash content on an iPad. However, you can easily email yourself the URLs of these web pages and view that content on your regular computer when you get home. CK