0 1876139 0 0 Tom is a forest ranger. Spamster 1 0 2280426 0 0 They entered the forest. CK 1 158707 255821 私はもりの中で道に迷った。 \N I got lost in the forest. CK 1 209068 46329 その少年は森の中で道に迷った。 bunbuku The boy lost his way in the forest. CK 1 145077 269486 森の中は再び静かになった。 bunbuku It became quiet again in the forest. CK 1 145079 269484 森の中に道を切り開いた。 \N We hacked a path through the forest. CK 1 0 1024035 0 0 Tom walked silently through the forest. CK 1 221022 58344 この森では多くの動物が見られる。 bunbuku You can see many animals in this forest. CK 1 0 3287371 0 0 Tom said he found something in the forest. CK 1 0 2208755 0 0 You shouldn't have gone into the forest alone. CK 1 145097 269466 森からすぐ近いところに私は家を建てた。 mookeee I built a house within a stone's throw of the forest. CK 1 0 1096019 0 0 Tom always thought he'd like to become a forest ranger. CK 1 0 2298079 0 0 The forest was dark. Hybrid 0 1098356 0 0 We are in the forest. cntrational 188762 25908 炎が森を包み込んだ。 \N Fire devoured the forest. NekoKanjya 0 682174 0 0 The forest is very thick. Source_VOA 145074 269489 森はとても静かだった。 \N The forest was very still. CK 0 2946838 0 0 It was dark in the forest. astyng 209708 46970 その時森は静かだった。 mookeee The forest was silent then. CM 123782 280213 動物たちは森に住んでいる。 \N Animals inhabit the forest. CM 155699 258838 私は森林の中で道に迷った。 marcelostockle I lost my way in the forest. CK 0 1566877 0 0 Mary is alone in the forest. corvard 722732 724062 彼は一人ぼっちで森に暮らしていた。 szaby78 He lived alone in the forest. jmadsen 109966 293722 彼は一人で森に住んでいる。 \N He lives in the forest alone. CK 100087 303610 彼は歩いて森を通り抜けた。 \N He walked through the forest. CK 0 2760938 0 0 We walked through the forest. verdulo 113547 290126 彼はシャーウッドの森を突っ切って通り抜けて行った。 \N He cut through Sherwood Forest. CM 152704 261845 私は毎日森の中を歩く。 \N I walk in the forest every day. CK 96784 306920 彼らは森へ向かっています。 \N They are making for the forest. CM 0 1530373 0 0 The boy got lost in the forest. erikspen 79595 324123 野獣は森に住んでいる。 \N Wild animals live in the forest. CK 0 1761872 0 0 What's Germany's largest forest? Amastan 0 2742892 0 0 Tom disappeared into the forest. CK 165593 248912 私たちは森の中に散歩に行きました。 \N We went for a walk in the forest. CK 0 3093832 0 0 I dreamed that I was in a forest. Hybrid 0 1165297 0 0 The earth is covered with forests. benutzer 208809 46069 その森の動物達は絶滅した。 \N The animals in the forest died off. U2FS 221019 58341 この森にはたくさんの鳥がいる。 \N There are many birds in this forest. CK 220615 57937 この地域で山火事が起こった。 \N A forest fire broke out in this area. CK 127220 276869 男はこんもりした森に隠れていた。 \N The man was hiding in a dense forest. CM 145085 269478 森の静けさは安らぎを与える。 \N The silence in the forest is restful. CK 0 2890314 0 0 We're trying to prevent forest fires. sharptoothed 0 555247 0 0 He lived a lonely life in the forest. FeuDRenais 146992 267569 小さな男の子が森で道に迷った。 \N The little boy was lost in the forest. CK 145083 269480 森の中ではあまり鹿を見かけなかった。 xtofu80 We didn't see many deer in the forest. CK 0 1183649 0 0 He took a shortcut through the forest. driada 0 752175 0 0 He can't see the forest for the trees. Dejo 995617 996900 森の中では野生のウサギが見られる。 mookeee Wild rabbits can be seen in the forest. thayne 176872 323634 君は木を見て森を見とらんぞ。 mookeee You can't see the forest for the trees. LowMemory 206115 43361 その老人は森の中で道に迷ったのですか。 \N Did the old man get lost in the forest? Dejo