188508 25652 その王がその国を治めていた。 \N The king governed the country. CK 0 2267425 0 0 It's a difficult country to govern. _undertoad 0 681088 0 0 The president governs for four years. Source_VOA 214516 51808 スペインは昔フィリピン諸島統治していた。 \N Spain once governed the Philippine Islands. Zifre 0 802477 0 0 They wanted the right to govern themselves. Source_VOA 207490 44743 その島はかつてフランスに統治されていた。 \N That island was governed by France at one time. Nero 228366 65722 インドは長年にわたって英国に支配されていた。 \N India was governed by Great Britain for many years. CM 0 2952460 0 0 I think people should be allowed to govern themselves. CK 0 681087 0 0 The leader governed his country for more than 50 years. Source_VOA 230053 67418 あらゆるゲームの最も重要な特徴は、それらが規則によって制御されていることである。 \N The most important feature of all games is that they are governed by rules. CK 0 877824 0 0 Although he had fewer supporters among the governing class, he was able to get the popular vote. alexmarcelo