Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Government"
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0	681674	0	0	Tom owes the government a lot of money in taxes.	Source_VOA	1
143075	1210696	政府は農業にもっと投資するべきだ。	tommy_san	The government should invest more money in agriculture.	CK	1
155570	258968	私は政府の教育政策には賛成できません。	bunbuku	I don't agree with the government's policy on education.	CK	1
143116	271452	政府は委員会を設けてその事故の解明にあたらせた。	mookeee	The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident.	CK	1
0	903712	0	0	There is an urgent need for the local government to help the homeless.	CK	1
235900	73281	1960年代に日本の大学生は政府に対して示威運動を起こした。	mookeee	In the 1960's, Japanese college students demonstrated against their government.	CK	1
0	953638	0	0	I think it's highly unlikely that we'll ever get any help from the national government.	CK	1
235901	73282	1960年代に日本では大学生による、政府に対するデモが起きた。	mookeee	There were demonstrations against the government by Japanese university students in the 1960's.	CK	1
157173	257360	私は公務員です。	\N	I'm a government worker.	CM
0	2546025	0	0	I'm from the government.	CK
0	802177	0	0	They created a government.	Source_VOA
0	3315165	0	0	I'm against big government.	CK
0	2542746	0	0	Tom works for the government.	CK
0	2784474	0	0	Tom is a government official.	sharptoothed
0	1723931	0	0	They formed a new government.	belgavox
0	2267423	0	0	It's a democratic government.	_undertoad
143078	271490	政府は倒された。	\N	The government was overthrown.	CK
143092	271476	政府は私たちに税金を払わせる。	\N	The government makes us pay tax.	CK
0	802329	0	0	They accepted the new government.	Source_VOA
0	804058	0	0	The British government was angry.	Source_VOA
87930	315777	彼女は地方公務員だ。	mookeee	She is a local government officer.	CM
176682	237780	軍が政府を乗っ取った。	\N	The army took over the government.	CM
173023	241450	国民は新しい政府を作った。	\N	The people set up a new government.	CM
628676	503816	新しい政府が選挙された。	satosi	They have elected a new government.	CK
0	2959083	0	0	They recognized the new government.	sharptoothed
81020	322695	民主主義は政治形態の一つである。	\N	Democracy is one form of government.	CK
0	2890336	0	0	They plotted against the government.	sharptoothed
143113	271454	政府は我々に食糧を供給した。	\N	The government provided us with food.	CM
143114	271454	政府は我々に食糧を提供した。	\N	The government provided us with food.	CM
97153	306550	彼らは国を相手取って損害賠償の訴えを起こした。	\N	They sued the government for damages.	CK
0	802390	0	0	They wanted jobs with the government.	Source_VOA
0	2259613	0	0	They revolted against the government.	_undertoad
0	807303	0	0	The government of Mexico surrendered.	Source_VOA
0	807302	0	0	The government in Baghdad had fallen.	Source_VOA
0	1449879	0	0	I have connections in the government.	negativeclock
143202	271366	政治の形態にはいくつかある。	\N	There are several forms of government.	CK
0	682382	0	0	People do not trust a weak government.	Source_VOA
143124	271444	政府はその要求を却下した。	\N	The government turned down the request.	CM
0	1510873	0	0	The government is considering tax cuts.	Dejo
0	803152	0	0	He urged his government not to sign it.	Source_VOA
0	807346	0	0	A temporary government was established.	Source_VOA
0	807395	0	0	The government owed millions of dollars.	Source_VOA
0	681090	0	0	Many people do not trust the government.	Source_VOA
103418	300275	彼は世界政府という考えの普及に努めた。	\N	He promoted the idea of world government.	CK
0	462880	0	0	The present government has many problems.	lukaszpp
88382	315325	彼女は政府機関に勤めているのでしょう?	mookeee	She's with a government bureau, isn't she?	CK
143122	271446	政府はともすればマスメディアを統制したがる。	\N	The government tends to control the media.	CM
0	681428	0	0	They marched in support of the government.	Source_VOA
0	681874	0	0	The protesters demanded government reform.	Source_VOA
0	866315	0	0	The new government has financial troubles.	CM