0 806902 0 0 The governor was furious. Source_VOA 0 803087 0 0 He served as governor of Ohio. Source_VOA 0 807194 0 0 The governor of Texas was furious. Source_VOA 0 2255677 0 0 The governor abused his authority. _undertoad 0 803076 0 0 He ran for governor of California. Source_VOA 0 2796808 0 0 The governor pardoned the criminal. sharptoothed 148232 266327 州知事は囚人達を自由の身にした。 \N The governor set the prisoners free. Nero 0 807293 0 0 Rockefeller was governor of New York. Source_VOA 0 807332 0 0 The governor ordered an investigation. Source_VOA 0 803156 0 0 In 1962, he ran for governor, and lost. Source_VOA 0 2796762 0 0 Tom's pardon was granted by the governor. sharptoothed 0 803196 0 0 He was elected governor of Texas in 1994. Source_VOA 0 681689 0 0 The prisoner was pardoned by the governor. Source_VOA 184964 22095 皆は彼が知事に選ばれればよかったのにと思った。 \N Everybody wished he had been elected governor. CK 0 681623 0 0 The new governor has never held office before. Source_VOA 0 803277 0 0 He promised himself he would again be governor. Source_VOA 148233 266326 州知事は黒い金に手をつけました。 \N The governor took the money out of a slush fund. CK 0 807655 0 0 Mr. Clinton was governor of Arkansas at the time. Source_VOA 116537 287132 彼の知事としての任期は来年の一月に切れる。 \N His term of office as governor expires next January. CM 127059 277031 知事は新しい橋のテープカットをした。 \N The governor cut the tape and opened the new bridge. CK 127063 277027 知事の演説がその雑誌で発表された。 \N The governor's speech was published in the magazine. CM 127060 277030 知事は委員会の反応に驚いた。 \N The governor was surprised by the commission's response. CK 127057 277033 知事は被害者に対して援助を提供することを決めた。 \N The governor decided to provide assistance for the victims. CM 127061 277029 知事はその点についてある程度妥協した。 \N The governor compromised on the subject to a certain degree. CM 127064 277026 知事には現在の困難に対処できるだけの能力がある。 \N The governor is capable of handling his current difficulties. CM 119656 284006 彼が知事になるために、その金を使おうとしていたこと、知ってた。 \N I knew that he was trying to use that money to become governor. CM 210931 48202 その県知事は7月の選挙で勝利をおさめました。 \N The prefectural governor got the upper hand in the July elections. CK 101738 301955 彼は当選して知事になるつもりだと言った。 \N He said that he would be elected and that he would become governor. CK 0 437073 0 0 I want to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor. lukaszpp 127058 277032 知事は戦死した兵士たちに記念碑を奉納した。 \N The governor dedicated the memorial to the soldiers who died in the war. CK 127065 277025 知事がタバコ会社から賄賂をもらっていたらしいじゃないか。 \N I hear the governor's been getting money under the table from tobacco companies. CK