203064 1337337 だんだん寒くなってきている。 mookeee It's gradually getting colder. CK 1 77484 326234 列車は徐々にスピードを上げた。 mookeee The train gained speed gradually. CK 1 0 2958766 0 0 Tom's French is gradually improving. CK 1 892462 892468 最初は嫌だったけど、だんだん楽しくなってきたよ。 bunbuku At first, I didn't like it, but it gradually became fun. Scott 1 84009 319706 風は次第におさまった。 \N The wind gradually died down. CM 188314 25456 音は静まり次第に消えて行った。 \N The music gradually died away. NekoKanjya 78468 325248 嵐がしだいにおさまってきた。 mookeee The storm has gradually abated. CM 205078 395723 それは徐々に彼の習慣になった。 \N That gradually became his habit. CM 141181 273391 船が徐々に見えて来た。 \N The ship gradually came in sight. CK 122913 2703339 日の光がだんだん衰えてきた。 WestofEden The sunlight gradually decreased. WestofEden 89150 314556 彼女は次第に理解しはじめた。 \N She gradually began to understand. CK 94518 309188 彼女の恐怖は次第に収まった。 \N Her fears gradually quietened down. jakov 138411 274824 多くの古い習慣がしだいにすたれていく。 \N Many old customs are gradually dying out. CK 78384 325332 利率は少しずつ上昇するだろう。 \N Gradually the interest rate will increase. CM 150907 263649 事の真相が少しずつわかってきた。 \N The truth of the matter gradually dawned on me. masumi 179780 18640 近年物価が徐々に上がっている。 \N Prices have been gradually rising in recent years. Scott 156861 257673 私は最初、緊張したが、徐々に落ち着いた。 marcelostockle I was nervous at first, but gradually got more relaxed. CK 118340 285323 彼のことを誤解していたのだと私は気づき始めた。 \N It gradually dawned on me that I had misunderstood him. CM 367849 367850 日が昇ると、朝靄は次第に消滅してしまいます。 blay_paul As the sun rises, the morning mist gradually fades away. blay_paul 144106 270460 人々は次第に本来の目的を見失うだろう。 \N People will gradually lose sight of the original purpose. CM 140674 273899 祖母はだんだん忘れっぽくなり、弱ってきた。 \N My grandmother was gradually becoming forgetful and frail. CM 158519 256010 私は違う列車に乗ったことが次第に分かり始めた。 \N It gradually dawned on me that I had taken the wrong train. CK 117588 283603 彼の言ったことの真意が徐々にわたしにわかり始めた。 \N Gradually the true meaning of what he said began to dawn on me. CM 120406 283603 彼が言ったことの真意が徐々にわかり始めた。 \N Gradually the true meaning of what he said began to dawn on me. CM 126728 277362 遅く結婚したいと思う人の数は徐々に増えている。 \N The number of people who prefer to marry late is gradually rising. CK 147619 266941 春の到来とともに、すべてがまた徐々に活気付き始めた。 \N With the coming of spring, everything is gradually coming to life again. CM 124904 279089 田舎に住んでから、彼の健康は徐々に快方に向かった。 \N His health gradually changed for the better after he went to live in the countryside. CK 0 667977 0 0 Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. CK