Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Household"
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90855	388637	彼女は家事で忙しかった。	bunbuku	She was busy with household work.	CK	1
0	909541	0	0	I'd love to be able to spend less time doing household chores.	CK	1
90853	312861	彼女は家事をせっせとした。	\N	She went about the household chores.	CM
90855	312859	彼女は家事で忙しかった。	bunbuku	She was occupied with household work.	CK
220420	57742	この店は家庭用品を備えている。	\N	This store carries household equipment.	CK
0	681754	0	0	Many household cleaners contain poison.	Source_VOA
222578	1365923	この慣習はたいていの家庭で守られている。	\N	This custom is followed in most households.	CK
222799	60129	この家族は何人家族ですか。	\N	How many people are there in this household?	CM
213461	50747	ソニーは世界中誰でも知っている名前だ。	\N	Sony is a household name all over the world.	CM
222578	59908	この慣習はたいていの家庭で守られている。	\N	This tradition is followed in most households.	CK
188548	25694	奥様とお話ししたいのですが。	\N	I'd like to speak to the lady of the household.	CK
186962	24099	家事を分担する夫婦がますますふえています。	\N	More and more married couples share household chores.	NekoKanjya
234840	72217	iMacは、家電製品みたいな感覚で買われてるんだろうね。	\N	People are buying iMacs the same way they buy household appliances.	CK
164089	250421	私のロボットは食事の支度、掃除、皿洗いその他の家事が出来るでしょう。	\N	My robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes, and perform other household tasks.	CM
233476	70846	あなたのロボットは食事の支度、掃除、皿洗いその他の家事ができるでしょう。	\N	Your robot will prepare meals, clean, wash dishes, and perform other household tasks.	CK
0	2811070	0	0	"Mary earns ten times as much as I do," complained Tom "and yet she expects me to pay half of the household expenses."	patgfisher