0 2203862 0 0 Identify Tom. CK 1 0 2111658 0 0 Identify yourself. CK 1 0 1951954 0 0 I can't identify it. CK 1 0 2249795 0 0 Please identify yourself. CK 1 0 2249796 0 0 Please identify yourselves. CK 1 0 1950723 0 0 They can't be identified yet. CK 1 0 1095091 0 0 Tom couldn't identify what was wrong. CK 1 200027 37228 トムはとても背が高いのですぐわかります。 bunbuku You can easily identify Tom because he is very tall. CM 1 173329 978006 行方不明だった少年は服で身元が確認された。 Blanka_Meduzo The boy who had been missing was identified by his clothes. CK 1 0 1040692 0 0 The police thought the victim was Tom, but they were unable to identify the body. CK 1 233858 71234 あなたとは気が合うわ。 \N I identify with you. CM 0 2277666 0 0 Identify yourselves! loghaD 0 3327766 0 0 Can you identify this? CK 0 3327770 0 0 Can you identify them? CK 0 3327773 0 0 Can you identify that? CK 0 1114698 0 0 Many people identified with her. Guybrush88 87205 316503 彼女は彼を殺人犯だと認めた。 bunbuku She identified him as the murderer. CK 1487300 681182 どのコートがあなたのか指摘してください。 marshmallowcat Can you identify which coat is yours? Source_VOA 1487319 681182 どのコートがあなたのものか、ご確認いただけますか。 bunbuku Can you identify which coat is yours? Source_VOA 1487320 681182 どのコートがあなたのか、確認してもらえますか。 bunbuku Can you identify which coat is yours? Source_VOA 0 265299 0 0 Can you identify the man in this picture? Eldad 173329 978005 行方不明だった少年は服で身元が確認された。 Blanka_Meduzo The lost boy was identified by his clothes. CK 0 2373952 0 0 I just saw some things I couldn't identify. CK 149259 1332071 写真でその男性が誰か分かりますか。 \N Can you identify the man using this picture? CK 0 681183 0 0 I used my driver's license to identify myself. Source_VOA 116797 286870 彼の身元は腕時計で確認できた。 \N They were able to identify him by his wrist watch. CK 168207 246287 支配人はドアを開いて身分を名乗った。 \N The manager opened the door and identified himself. CM 212361 49643 その遺体の身元は頬のほくろで確認された。 \N The dead body was identified by a mole on the cheek. CM 1764079 681184 目撃者は警察の面通しで窃盗犯を特定した。 bunbuku The witness identified the thief in the police lineup. Source_VOA 162233 252281 私は、常に勤勉と人生における成功とを同一視してきた。 \N I have always identified hard work with success in life. CK 0 2954010 0 0 The translator identifies himself with the author's beliefs. Guybrush88 122276 281727 日本人は、自分と自分の属している集団を同じものと考えがちだ。 \N The Japanese tend to identify themselves with the group they belong to. CM 122543 281460 日本の歴史上の人物であなたは誰が好きですか。 \N Which one of Japan's historical characters do you identify yourself with? CM