Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Identity"
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0	2953682	0	0	We know the identity of Tom's killer.	CK	1
2056746	1867728	トムは身元を隠すためにマスクをしていた。	bunbuku	Tom was wearing a mask to conceal his identity.	CK	1
0	1016956	0	0	I lost my identity.	Guybrush88
102946	300748	彼は全く別人になりすました。	\N	He assumed a new identity.	CM
103613	300081	彼は身元を明かさなかった。	\N	He didn't reveal his identity.	CK
0	1621040	0	0	His identity must be kept secret.	Spamster
0	2722351	0	0	Tom kept his true identity secret.	CK
0	657146	0	0	It was a case of mistaken identity.	darinmex
0	1894151	0	0	Afterwards, he assumed a new identity.	Spamster
207166	44416	その犯人は、自分の身元を隠さなければならなかった。	\N	The criminal had to conceal his identity.	CK
168330	246162	市長は私に身分証明書をくれた。	\N	The mayor provided me with an identity card.	CM
168331	246162	市長は私に身分証明書を交付した。	\N	The mayor provided me with an identity card.	CM
0	3164458	0	0	The informer's identity has to remain secret.	CK
0	2956562	0	0	Tom didn't reveal his real identity to anyone.	CK
0	534677	0	0	He faked his death and assumed a new identity.	darinmex
89826	313889	彼女は仕事によって自分が自立していると感じるといっていた。	\N	She said that her job gave her a sense of identity.	CK
176225	238240	警察はその男の身元を突きとめる事ができなかった。	\N	The police could not establish the identity of the man.	CK
173329	978007	行方不明だった少年は服で身元が確認された。	Blanka_Meduzo	The identity of the boy who had been missing was verified by the clothes he was wearing.	CK