0 1293256 0 0 Incentives always help. CK 77381 326339 労働者たちにはもっと働こうとする刺激がなにもない。 \N The workers have no incentive to work harder. CM 146433 268129 昇進が見送られた女には働く励みがない。 \N She had no incentive to work after she was refused a promotion. CM
0 1293256 0 0 Incentives always help. CK 77381 326339 労働者たちにはもっと働こうとする刺激がなにもない。 \N The workers have no incentive to work harder. CM 146433 268129 昇進が見送られた女には働く励みがない。 \N She had no incentive to work after she was refused a promotion. CM