Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Inch"
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0	2270511	0	0	Don't move an inch.	CK	1
0	3151394	0	0	I'm not giving an inch.	CK	1
0	2279363	0	0	Tom didn't move an inch.	CK	1
1148978	254576	その町なら庭みたいなもんだよ。	mookeee	I know every inch of the town.	CK	1
1148967	254576	その町のことは自分の庭のようによく知っている。	mookeee	I know every inch of the town.	CK	1
159946	254576	私はその町の隅から隅まで知っている。	\N	I know every inch of the town.	CK	1
1513325	1023988	トムさんは寸分の隙間のない紳士でした。	adlnbvrtn	Tom was every inch a gentleman.	CK	1
0	3152711	0	0	Tom isn't going to give an inch.	CK	1
105647	298040	彼は私よりも2インチ背が高い。	bunbuku	He is two inches taller than I am.	CK	1
0	2400182	0	0	Tom is a few inches taller than Mary.	CK	1
0	1028485	0	0	Tom is three inches taller than Mary.	CK	1
0	2400181	0	0	Tom is a few inches shorter than Mary.	CK	1
235863	1818	1インチを与えると1ヤードを取ろうとする。	mookeee	Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.	CK	1
5187	1818	親切にしてやればつけあがる。	mookeee	Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.	CK	1
0	1953274	0	0	Give Tom an inch and he'll take a mile.	CK	1
0	1093509	0	0	Tom is a couple of inches taller than Mary.	CK	1
0	1029597	0	0	Tom beat Mary to within an inch of her life.	CK	1
199979	37180	トムは奥さんより3インチ背が高い。	bunbuku	Tom is three inches taller than his wife is.	CK	1
111670	292013	彼はどこから見ても申し分のない王でした。	\N	He was every inch a king.	sacredceltic
85389	318324	氷は2インチの厚さだ。	\N	The ice is two inches thick.	CK
99865	292909	彼は本当の紳士だ。	bunbuku	He is every inch a gentleman.	CM
108779	292909	彼は完璧な紳士である。	bunbuku	He is every inch a gentleman.	CM
108780	292909	彼は完壁な紳士だ。	bunbuku	He is every inch a gentleman.	CM
110779	292909	彼はまったく紳士である。	\N	He is every inch a gentleman.	CM
1276664	292909	彼は紳士の中の紳士だ。	bunbuku	He is every inch a gentleman.	CM
159183	255342	私はニューヨークはすみからすみまで知っている。	\N	I know every inch of New York.	CK
228181	65535	うちの息子は去年身長が5インチ伸びた。	\N	My son grew 5 inches last year.	CK
0	682124	0	0	I am five feet, two inches tall.	Source_VOA
113714	289959	彼はこの辺の事情に明るい。	\N	He knows every inch of this area.	CK
116136	287533	彼の方が僕よりも3インチ背が高い。	\N	He's three inches taller than I am.	CK
0	3330000	0	0	I'm a half an inch taller than Tom.	CK
0	2712744	0	0	Tom is three inches shorter than Mary.	CK
0	2821141	0	0	Tom is several inches taller than Mary.	CK
0	1953272	0	0	Give him an inch and he'll take a mile.	CK
235863	73244	1インチを与えると1ヤードを取ろうとする。	mookeee	Give him an inch and he will take a yard.	Zifre
143486	73244	寸を与えれば尺を望む。	\N	Give him an inch and he will take a yard.	Zifre
0	555556	0	0	We waded into the cold water inch by inch.	darinmex
0	866497	0	0	Cut the bell peppers into two-inch strips.	papabear
0	1789323	0	0	If you give him an inch, he'll take a mile.	Nero
0	777611	0	0	He was beaten to within an inch of his life.	eastasiastudent
0	2009247	0	0	The police went over every inch of this place.	CK
0	625169	0	0	I need you to take in the hem by about an inch.	darinmex
0	3071736	0	0	I need a piece of wood about three inches thick.	sharptoothed
136978	276258	誰がなんと言おうと彼女は自説を曲げない。	bunbuku	She will not budge an inch no matter what anyone says.	CM
1853528	276258	誰が何を言おうが、彼女は一歩も引かないだろう。	bunbuku	She will not budge an inch no matter what anyone says.	CM
0	2957555	0	0	Tom noticed Mary was a few inches shorter than he was.	CK
98675	305026	彼らが彼に読んでほしいと頼んだマニュアルは2インチの厚さだった。	\N	The manual they asked him to read was two inches thick.	Nero
0	2537296	0	0	The weather report says we'll get three inches of snow.	CK
96214	307491	彼らは怖くて一歩も動けなかった。	\N	They were so frightened that they couldn't move an inch.	CK
0	529343	0	0	The candles burned down to within an inch of their holders.	darinmex