Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Include"
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0	2244891	0	0	Am I included?	CK	1
145837	268725	食事はついていますか。	\N	Are meals included?	CK	1
0	2262253	0	0	Should I include Tom?	CK	1
207992	45249	その値段は税金を含みます。	\N	The price includes tax.	CK	1
222592	59922	この額は税込みです。	\N	This amount includes tax.	CK	1
205599	42844	それは、税込みの値段ですか。	mookeee	Does that price include tax?	CK	1
77965	325753	料金には箱代は含みません。	mookeee	The price does not include the box.	CK	1
0	1023854	0	0	Tom's duties include raking the leaves.	CK	1
83246	320470	保険、税金を含めて、合計金額はいくらになりますか。	mookeee	How much is it including insurance and tax?	CK	1
0	681200	0	0	Tom's lunch includes a sandwich and an apple.	Source_VOA	1
0	1092703	0	0	Tom told Mary that she shouldn't include her phone number in her profile.	CK	1
145833	268729	食事は含まれますか。	\N	Are any meals included?	CM
0	1153940	0	0	Include me in your plans.	belgavox
0	2821457	0	0	Batteries are not included.	CK
207990	45248	その値段は全て込みですか。	\N	Does that include everything?	CK
105679	298008	彼は私の友人の中に入っている。	\N	He is included among my friend.	CK
219195	56511	この料金に昼食代は入っていますか。	\N	Is lunch included in this price?	CK
0	3183750	0	0	Everyone laughed, including Tom.	CK
204985	42227	それは朝食こみの値段ですか。	\N	Does that price include breakfast?	CK
207989	45246	その値段は郵便料金を含みます。	\N	The price includes postage charges.	CM
95797	307908	彼を入れて6人います。	\N	There are six people including him.	Nero
0	2956741	0	0	Tom fooled everybody, including me.	CK
187294	24431	価格には箱代は含まれていません。	\N	The price does not include the case.	NekoKanjya
0	680370	0	0	Biology includes many life sciences.	Source_VOA
222874	60205	この価格には、運賃は含まれていません。	\N	Delivery is not included in the price.	CK
187293	24430	価格には郵送料が含まれている。	\N	The price includes the postage charge.	CK
207994	45251	その値段はサラダとスープ込みですか。	\N	Does that price include soup and salad?	CK
127132	276957	値段には消費税を含みます。	\N	The price includes the consumption tax.	CK
0	681685	0	0	The parade included six marching bands.	Source_VOA
82574	1243476	忘れずに私も頭数にいれてくれ。	\N	Don't forget to include me in the count.	CK
85808	317905	費用には朝食も含まれている。	\N	The breakfast is included in the charge.	CM
0	434226	0	0	Are the tip and service charge included?	lukaszpp
148223	266336	修理費には部品代と手数料が含まれます。	\N	The repair bill includes parts and labor.	CK
187295	24432	価格には消費税は含まれていません。	\N	The price doesn't include consumption tax.	CK
125578	278414	通常の謝辞を含みます。	\N	We will include the usual acknowledgments.	CM
0	2985741	0	0	Are local trains included on this schedule?	sharptoothed
148586	265973	手紙のコピーをとるのも彼女の仕事だ。	\N	Her duties include making copies of letters.	CK
0	681198	0	0	The shopping list included a gallon of milk.	Source_VOA
208881	46141	その食事には飲み物だけでなくデザートも含まれています。	\N	The meal includes dessert as well as beverage.	CM
0	680683	0	0	The details on the dress include a bright belt.	Source_VOA
0	680621	0	0	Customs include food, celebrations and dancing.	Source_VOA
145819	268743	食事代はサービス料も込みになっています。	\N	The price of the meal includes a service charge.	CM
142059	272511	設定料金に労務費用は含みません。	\N	The stated price does not include labor charges.	CM
140854	273718	全ての税を入れると合計でいくらになりますか。	\N	What is the total price with all taxes included?	CK
0	1500124	0	0	This committee includes scientists and engineers	RoyTek
0	1227604	0	0	I read several books last week, including yours.	Ketutar
142494	272076	税、その他全て込みだと1泊いくらですか。	\N	What's the price per night including all charges?	CK
126292	277700	著者と出版社の名前を記載します。	\N	I will include the author's and publisher's names.	CM
0	667884	0	0	All generalizations are false, including this one.	CK
151991	247439	私達の家は食堂を含めて7部屋あります。	\N	Our house has seven rooms including the dining room.	CK