Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Individual"
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174648	239821	個人はそれぞれ異なっている。	\N	Each individual is different.	CM
0	535566	0	0	He's a rather rare individual.	FeuDRenais
0	2474280	0	0	Tom is a hot-blooded individual.	sharptoothed
190502	27663	一人あたり千ドル払った。	\N	Each individual paid 1,000 dollars.	Eldad
149215	265343	社会は個人からなりたっている。	\N	Society is composed of individuals.	adjusting
174651	239818	個人の自由を尊重しなければならぬ。	\N	We must respect individual liberty.	CM
1752760	403368	君は心の狭い女だな。	mookeee	You're one narrow minded individual.	Grayster
403366	403368	おまえはケツの穴の小さい男だな。	Grayster	You're one narrow minded individual.	Grayster
149222	247585	社会における変化は個人から生じる。	\N	Changes in society come from individuals.	CM
174653	239816	個人の意志は尊重しなければならない。	\N	We must respect the will of the individual.	CM
165866	248638	私たちは個人の権利を尊重しなければならない。	\N	We must respect the rights of the individual.	CM
174655	239814	個人には権利と義務がある。	\N	An individual has rights and responsibilities.	CK
223985	61319	このインスタントスープは1つ1つ包みの中に入っている。	\N	This instant soup comes in individual packets.	CM
1217306	1217314	あくまでも個人の感想です。	AlanRominger	It is nothing more than an individual's opinion.	AlanRominger
0	1787055	0	0	Individual freedom is the foundation of democracy.	Dejo
0	610630	0	0	An individual is the smallest unit of the society.	mamduhi
0	2959405	0	0	I consider Tom a thoroughly responsible individual.	sharptoothed
214121	51411	スリーサイズは個人差がある。	\N	Measurements are different from individual to individual.	CM
206170	43416	その老医師は各患者を一人一人個人的に診察した。	\N	The old doctor gave individual attention to each patient.	CM
149681	264877	自由社会においては個人の権利は重要である。	\N	The rights of the individual are important in a free society.	CK
0	847212	0	0	You can always tell what any individual wants most by what he does.	Source_Benedict_1921
0	1394380	0	0	The textbook shows the meaning of each individual word with a picture.	CM
115497	288173	彼は、自分が住む空間と寝る空間とを持った一個の個人なのだ。	\N	He is an individual with his own living space and his own sleeping space.	CM
174652	239817	個人の権利が自由社会でもっとも大切な権利です。	\N	The rights of the individual are the most important rights in a free society.	CK
174882	239585	現在私どもは、カスタマーサービスの経験者を探しています。	\N	We are currently looking for individuals who have experience in customer service.	CK
0	847230	0	0	The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself.	Source_Benedict_1921
122252	281751	日本人は個人よりもグループや組織の方により多くの注意を払う。	\N	The Japanese pay more attention to the group or the organization than to the individual.	CK
230363	67729	あまりチームに頼りすぎると、個人の闘争本能が減少するかもしれない。	\N	When you rely on the team too much, it may reduce your individual competitive instincts.	CM
0	1160167	0	0	Culture plays a dynamic role in shaping an individual's character, attitude, and outlook on life.	saeb
0	1837947	0	0	I want a religion that respects the differences that exist between people and that states that each individual has their own personality.	LanguageExpert