Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Injury"
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0	1519605	0	0	Tom suffered minor injuries.	Spamster	1
0	2647194	0	0	Do you have injuries?	CK
0	1749509	0	0	The player faked an injury.	Spamster
147217	267344	傷がうずいていた。	\N	I was aching from the injury.	CK
116227	1090287	彼の負った傷はすべて外傷だった。	\N	His injuries are all external.	CK
190935	28095	医師は彼女のけがの治療をした。	\N	The doctor treated her injury.	blay_paul
0	1126698	0	0	My friend died from an injury.	nadsat
125849	278143	長旅で彼女の傷は悪化した。	\N	The long trip aggravated her injury.	jakov
0	2957230	0	0	Tom is recovering from his injuries.	CK
146159	268403	乗客のうち、けがをしなかったものは一人もいなかった。	\N	None of the passengers escaped injury.	CK
185605	22738	我々は彼の傷を見て驚いた。	\N	We were surprised to see his injuries.	CK
0	1243328	0	0	The driver sustained multiple injuries.	PeterR
0	756400	0	0	The bus driver suffered minor injuries.	CK
0	3047161	0	0	Tom doesn't appear to have any injuries.	CK
146156	268406	乗客の全員がけがをしなかったわけではなかった。	\N	Not all of the passengers escaped injury.	CK
0	681679	0	0	The injury caused the athlete great pain.	Source_VOA
94716	308990	彼女のけがは、かなり悪かったようだ。	\N	It appears that her injury was pretty bad.	CM
0	3123117	0	0	Tom's injuries were worse than we thought.	CK
192380	29544	レイは傷が回復するのに20日かかった。	\N	It took Rei 20 days to get over her injury.	CK
0	1611210	0	0	He never fully recovered from his injuries.	Spamster
109027	294663	彼は怪我からくる激しい痛みで苦しんだ。	\N	He suffered terrible pain from his injuries.	CK
0	2821081	0	0	Tom never fully recovered from his injuries.	CK
2950740	681786	怪我を防ぐために、運動前にはストレッチをしています。	tommy_san	I stretch before exercising to prevent injury.	Source_VOA
0	3060874	0	0	Tom sustained severe injuries in the accident.	sharptoothed
0	3043698	0	0	Tom's fall resulted in life-threatening injuries.	patgfisher
107458	296228	彼は交通事故で内臓にけがをした。	\N	He suffered internal injuries in the car accident.	CK
94595	395030	彼女の家族は彼女のけがのことが心配でたまらない。	\N	Her family can't help worrying about her injuries.	CK
395031	395032	彼女の両親は彼女のけがのことが心配でたまらない。	mookeee	Her parents can't help worrying about her injuries.	CK
0	2952782	0	0	I'm happy to hear that your injuries aren't serious.	CK
119313	284350	彼が嗅覚を失ったのは、頭部のけがのためだった。	\N	The loss of his sense of smell was due to a head injury.	CM
0	682230	0	0	The therapist is treating the patient for a back injury.	Source_VOA
176622	237841	兄の膝は怪我で手術が必要かもしれない。	\N	My brother may have to be operated on for the knee injury.	CK
109026	294664	彼は怪我の賠償として多額の金を受け取った。	\N	He received a large sum of money in compensation for his injury.	Shiawase
0	2948021	0	0	The F1 champion Michael Schumacher sustained a serious head injury.	Hybrid
76013	327705	少し間違うと大怪我につながる大変危険なスポーツです。	bunbuku	It's a very dangerous sport, where a slight mistake can lead to serious injury.	CK
0	1141314	0	0	There are four main causes of alcohol-related death. Injury from car accidents or violence is one. Diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, heart and blood system diseases are the others.	Source_VOA