Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Instead"
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0	2007676	0	0	Let's do that instead.	CK	1
0	2331890	0	0	I had Tom do it instead.	CK	1
0	3128018	0	0	What do suggest instead?	CK	1
208274	45531	その代わりにトランプをしようよ。	\N	Let's play cards instead.	CK	1
0	2868975	0	0	What would you do instead?	CK	1
0	3279443	0	0	Can we speak French instead?	CK	1
0	3279445	0	0	Could we speak French instead?	CK	1
163109	251403	私の代わりにこれをしていただけませんか。	mookeee	Could you do this instead of me?	CK	1
0	1868445	0	0	Tom called Mary instead of John.	CK	1
98903	304797	彼は列車ではなく車できた。	bunbuku	He came by car instead of by train.	CK	1
201957	39168	テレビを見てないで、外で遊びなさい。	mookeee	Play outside instead of watching TV.	CM	1
100391	303307	彼は父の代わりにそこへ行った。	bunbuku	He went there instead of his father.	CK	1
1170914	35395	バスの代わりに電車で行こうよ。	bunbuku	Let's go by train instead of by bus.	CK	1
198203	35395	バスでなくて列車で行きましょう。	bunbuku	Let's go by train instead of by bus.	CK	1
91729	1578558	彼女はバターの代わりにマーガリンを使った。	Blanka_Meduzo	She used margarine instead of butter.	CM	1
93781	1578558	彼女は、バターの代わりにマーガリンを使いました。	\N	She used margarine instead of butter.	CM	1
175317	239149	犬の代わりに猫を飼いたい。	bunbuku	I want to keep a cat instead of a dog.	CK	1
1176963	696956	どうしてあいつの側に立ったんだ、俺の方じゃなく?	mookeee	Why did you side with him instead of me?	darinmex	1
0	2026594	0	0	I wanted Mary to love me instead of Tom.	CK	1
1052660	291873	彼はテニスをする代わりに釣りに行った。	bunbuku	He went fishing instead of playing tennis.	CK	1
111805	291873	彼はテニスをしないで魚釣りに行った。	bunbuku	He went fishing instead of playing tennis.	CK	1
0	3279446	0	0	Would it be OK if we spoke French instead?	CK	1
0	3279447	0	0	Would you mind if we spoke French instead?	CK	1
0	2028644	0	0	I wanted Mary to look at me instead of Tom.	CK	1
0	3279449	0	0	Would you mind if we spoke in French instead?	CK	1
184469	21597	彼は学校に行かずに家にいた。	tommy_san	Instead of going to school, he stayed at home.	Asakurayoh11	1
170004	244483	昨日はでかけないで読書で日を過ごした。	mookeee	I spent yesterday reading instead of going out.	CK	1
0	2031954	0	0	I wanted Mary to go out with me instead of Tom.	CK	1
0	886931	0	0	She advised him to walk instead of taking a bus.	CK	1
1180409	262254	私はいつも冷凍野菜ではなく生鮮野菜を買います。	bunbuku	I always buy fresh vegetables instead of frozen ones.	CK	1
152296	262254	私は冷凍野菜は買わずに、いつも生野菜を買います。	bunbuku	I always buy fresh vegetables instead of frozen ones.	CK	1
0	2050696	0	0	I could be playing golf right now instead of doing this.	CK	1
0	1026697	0	0	Tom chose to live with his father instead of his mother.	CK	1
182622	19755	彼は休養するどころか、かえっていつもより仕事に励んだ。	bunbuku	Instead of taking a rest, he worked much harder than usual.	CK	1
169072	521661	仕事をする気がしないな。代わりに映画でも見に行かないか。	bunbuku	I don't feel like working. How about going to a movie instead?	CK	1
0	1543607	0	0	Tom resented the fact that Mary got the promotion instead of him.	CK	1
0	1092491	0	0	Tom wanted to stay home and relax instead of hiking with his children.	CK	1
2107439	953980	彼は野菜を食べる代わりに、ミキサーにかけて飲む。	bunbuku	Instead of eating vegetables, he puts them in a blender and drinks them.	CK	1
0	1934746	0	0	I've been trying to call Tom, but I keep accidentally calling you instead.	CK	1
0	1023982	0	0	Tom was going to be transferred to Boston, but they decided to fire him instead.	CK	1
2173316	1092619	トムは自分の古いビデオデッキを捨てずに売ろうとしたが、誰も買ってくれなかったので結局捨てることになった。	bunbuku	Tom tried to sell his old VCR instead of throwing it away, but no one would buy it, so he ended up throwing it away.	CK	1
0	2731668	0	0	What do you want instead?	sharptoothed
0	2674160	0	0	He went instead of his dad.	Joseph
105749	297938	彼は私の代わりにそこに行った。	\N	He went there instead of me.	CK
0	3123473	0	0	Would you like that instead?	CK
0	926817	0	0	Couldn't we cuddle, instead?	bojnin
161252	253266	私はお金ではなくて時間がほしい。	\N	I want time instead of money.	CK
201202	1190203	そのかわりに車を返してもいいですか。	\N	May I return the car instead?	CK
107003	296683	彼は砂糖の代わりにハチミツを使う。	\N	He uses honey instead of sugar.	CK
0	3329697	0	0	Can we do it on Monday instead?	CK