Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Interview"
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0	2392556	0	0	I recorded the interview.	CK	1
0	2359590	0	0	I've got a job interview.	CK	1
0	2235927	0	0	They're interviewing Tom.	CK	1
0	2273244	0	0	Tom is interviewing Mary.	CK	1
2852540	2852121	インタビューはうまくいった?	tommy_san	Did the interview go well?	CK	1
2852537	2852121	面接はうまくいった?	tommy_san	Did the interview go well?	CK	1
0	1936435	0	0	I'd like to interview Tom.	CK	1
148241	266317	就職の面接を受けた。	mookeee	I was interviewed for a job.	CK	1
0	2358997	0	0	I have an interview today at 2:30.	CK	1
0	1093876	0	0	Tom had a job interview this morning.	CK	1
0	1543595	0	0	Tom was interviewed on TV last night.	CK	1
78613	325103	来週面接においでいただけますか。	mookeee	Would you like to come in for an interview next week?	CK	1
0	2042697	0	0	Tom wants me to buy a suit to wear to that job interview.	CK	1
0	3327399	0	0	Can we interview Tom?	CK
0	2547412	0	0	How was the interview?	CK
138732	6110	面接はどうでしたか。	HARUMI	How did your interview go?	CK
0	2541718	0	0	Tom declined to be interviewed.	CK
0	2060934	0	0	Tom has granted me an interview.	Tamy
0	1324733	0	0	He refused to give an interview.	CK
0	844017	0	0	The interview began at 10 o'clock.	J_S
0	1635849	0	0	He agreed to give us an interview.	Spamster
0	3153850	0	0	Tom agreed to give us an interview.	CK
0	1635852	0	0	They agreed to give us an interview.	Spamster
0	2857951	0	0	I have a job interview tomorrow morning.	mervert1
174398	240071	午後に面接を行います。	\N	We'll give an interview in the afternoon.	CK
0	1926396	0	0	This afternoon we will have an interview.	dexique
121054	282954	彼がインタビューで言ったことは理にかなっている。	\N	What he said in his interview makes sense.	CM
0	3171737	0	0	Tom didn't get the job he interviewed for.	CK
905808	905091	彼女は明日の面接への準備ができている。	thyc244	She is prepared for the interview tomorrow.	jessie0422
0	1650600	0	0	I had my job interview in the meeting room.	Amastan
104420	299271	彼は首相にインタビューした。	\N	He had an interview with the Prime Minister.	CK
208987	46247	その上、ある大学教授と対談しなければならない。	\N	In addition, I have to interview a professor.	Zifre
0	886172	0	0	I'm preparing to interview my favorite group.	alexmarcelo
112861	290815	彼はその仕事で私が面接した最初の人だった。	\N	He was the first man I interviewed for the job.	CK
80202	323515	面接では君は臨機応変に答えなくてはならないでしょう。	\N	You'll have to play it by ear at the interview.	CM
80203	323514	面接では、虚心坦懐に話すことが必要だ。	\N	You have to be up-front and candid at interviews.	CM
154125	260418	私は彼に社長との会見を忘れないようにと注意した。	\N	I reminded him of his interview with the president.	CM
228385	65741	インタビューはあす午前10時予定されている。	\N	The interview is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.	CM
112682	290994	彼はその就職の面接を受けたが就職できなかった。	\N	He was interviewed for the job, but couldn't get it.	CK
0	3130225	0	0	Tom has been interviewing people for that job all day.	CK
0	1957862	0	0	The senator denied repeated requests for an interview.	darinmex
0	2943779	0	0	Mary's nerves caused her to mess up her job interview.	patgfisher
0	1103027	0	0	I have a job interview at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.	jamessilver
156452	258082	私は試験を受ける前に面接を受けなければならない。	\N	I have to have an interview before taking the examination.	CM
157813	256718	私は環境保護の仕事をしている女性にインタビューをしました。	\N	I interviewed a lady who works to protect the environment.	CK
0	3150730	0	0	I want you to buy a new suit to wear to your job interview.	CK
0	1129762	0	0	Is it ethical to give him the interview questions in advance?	CM
0	2717572	0	0	I don't like any of the babysitters we've interviewed so far.	CK
148244	266316	就職の面接には派手なネクタイよりも地味なネクタイの方が好ましい。	mookeee	A conservative tie is preferable to a loud one for a job interview.	CM
196530	33709	ホームステイをするにはスポンサーの面接を受けなくてはならない。	\N	In order to qualify for the homestay you must have an interview with the sponsors.	CM