Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Invest"
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2325060	295466	彼は株に投資した。	tommy_san	He invested his money in stocks.	CK	1
108220	295466	彼は自分のお金を株に投資した。	bunbuku	He invested his money in stocks.	CK	1
0	1094476	0	0	Tom doesn't know a thing about investing.	CK	1
143075	1210696	政府は農業にもっと投資するべきだ。	tommy_san	The government should invest more money in agriculture.	CK	1
0	1028615	0	0	Tom invested all his money in the company that Mary and her father managed.	CK	1
0	2781071	0	0	They are investing a lot.	littlejohn_75
108799	294889	彼は株に50万円投資した。	\N	He invested 500,000 yen in stocks.	CK
102421	301273	彼は大金を株に投資した。	\N	He invested a lot of money in stocks.	CK
0	2267214	0	0	I'm going to invest money in this business.	_undertoad
0	897925	0	0	We need to invest in clean, renewable energy.	CK
0	434914	0	0	He invested all his capital in that business.	lukaszpp
175076	1483768	賢明な投資をして彼女は一財産を蓄積した。	\N	She accumulated a fortune by investing wisely.	CM
0	2952128	0	0	I have my life savings invested in this store.	CK
175076	239390	賢明な投資をして彼女は一財産を蓄積した。	\N	By investing wisely, she accumulated a fortune.	CM
0	1567903	0	0	The government doesn't invest much in education.	Eldad
0	804361	0	0	Americans who had money were afraid to invest it.	Source_VOA
108797	294892	彼は株式市場に投資をして大儲けをした。	\N	He made a killing by investing in the stock market.	CK
143094	271474	政府は産業にもっと多くの金を投資すべきだ。	\N	The government should invest more money in industry.	CK
0	809927	0	0	The company invested a lot of money in this project.	TomSFox
103355	300338	彼は成長株の事業に200ドルを投資した。	\N	He invested two hundred dollars in a growing business.	CM
185245	22377	会社は新しい設備に投資すべきだというのが私たちの助言です。	\N	Our advice is that the company invest in new equipment.	NekoKanjya
112622	291054	彼はその新しい会社に投資してみた。	\N	He took a chance investing his money in the new company.	CM
161830	252686	私はあなたが国債に投資なさる事をお勧めします。	\N	My recommendation is that you invest in government bonds.	CM
0	2738983	0	0	How much money do you plan to invest in government bonds?	sharptoothed
0	3001479	0	0	I wonder if Tom would be interested in investing in our project.	CK
0	680991	0	0	Mary invested in the stock because the financial advisor fooled her.	Source_VOA
0	2959369	0	0	I invested all my money and then found out their business was a racket.	sharptoothed
0	3001480	0	0	I really doubt that Tom would be interested in investing in such a project.	CK