1022302 804365 外国人投資家は資金をアメリカから引き揚げた。 mookeee Foreign investors withdrew their money from America. Source_VOA 0 1141312 0 0 Last year, the company was sold to private investors. Source_VOA 1022302 1354874 外国人投資家は資金をアメリカから引き揚げた。 mookeee Foreign investors withdrew their money from the United States. AMIKEMA 124312 279682 投資家グループは企業買収を企てています。 \N An investors' group is attempting a leveraged buy-out of the firm. CK 184762 21892 外国資本家は現地の政情不安が理由で手を引きました。 \N Foreign investors backed off because of regional political unrest. Swift