0 2359884 0 0 I have jury duty. CK 1 0 1027320 0 0 The grand jury indicted Tom for murder. CK 1 0 953163 0 0 Could you describe to the jury what happened? CK 1 0 1042553 0 0 Tom's lawyer didn't think that the jury would think that Mary was a reliable witness. CK 1 121472 282535 陪審員は未決のままだ。 \N The jury is hung. CM 0 2252252 0 0 I want her on my jury. MrShoval 0 1501578 0 0 The jury has reached a verdict. MrShoval 0 681274 0 0 Juries usually have 12 members. Source_VOA 0 2247178 0 0 Has the jury reached a verdict? CK 0 1501570 0 0 The jury has agreed upon a verdict. MrShoval 0 2540302 0 0 Has the jury reached a verdict yet? CK 121471 282534 陪審員は彼を無罪とした。 \N The jury acquitted him of the crime. CK 0 2251981 0 0 Why don't we explain it to the jury? MrShoval 0 681275 0 0 I serve on a jury about once a year. Source_VOA 0 2163160 0 0 The jury found the man guilty of murder. Source_VOA 121470 282536 陪審員は有罪の判決を答申した。 \N The jury has returned a verdict of guilty. CM 0 1501599 0 0 The judge asked the jury to reach a verdict. MrShoval 0 2059129 0 0 Somehow, he weaseled himself out of jury duty. darinmex 0 807579 0 0 A grand jury found him not guilty of any crime. Source_VOA 0 2247198 0 0 The judge told the jury not to discuss the case. CK 0 560319 0 0 The lawyer appealed to the jury's sense of justice. darinmex 0 2251951 0 0 Are we ready to proceed now with the jury selection? MrShoval 0 681276 0 0 The members of the jury listened carefully to the attorney. Source_VOA 0 1795650 0 0 The jury found that Samsung had infringed upon Apple's patents. Spamster