Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Justify"
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0	2233704	0	0	This is justified.	CK	1
0	1247825	0	0	It's hard to justify.	CK	1
0	2480001	0	0	Can you justify your claim?	sharptoothed
231904	69271	あなたは自分の行為を正当化できますか。	\N	Can you justify your action?	CM
79893	26656	目的は手段を選ばない。	\N	The end justifies the means.	MUIRIEL
79895	26656	目的は手段を正当化する。	\N	The end justifies the means.	MUIRIEL
175847	26656	結果良ければすべて良し。	\N	The end justifies the means.	MUIRIEL
189505	26656	嘘も方便。	\N	The end justifies the means.	MUIRIEL
0	3053555	0	0	The end justifies the means.	altusi
79894	323823	目的は手段を正当化するだろうか。	\N	Does the end justify the means?	CK
0	2751069	0	0	How can you justify your claim?	sharptoothed
228919	66277	いったいどうやってあなたは自分の行動を正当化するのですか。	\N	How can you justify your behavior?	CK
0	2569065	0	0	The end doesn't justify the means.	Eldad
176894	7656	君は暴力行使を正当化することができますか。	\N	Can you justify the use of violence?	Swift
201152	38358	どうやって君の粗野な態度を正当化するんだ。	\N	How can you justify your rude behavior?	CM
0	3067493	0	0	You don't have to justify your decision.	CK
85815	317897	被告人は自分の行為を正当化しようと努めた。	\N	The accused tried to justify his actions.	CM
79897	323820	目的さえよければどんな手段をとってもよいわけではない。	\N	The end does not always justify the means.	CK
178902	17756	君が彼に口答えするのももっともだ。	\N	You are quite justified in answering him back.	CK
79892	323825	目的は必ずしも手段を正当化しない。	\N	The end does not necessarily justify the means.	CM
0	2751019	0	0	Tom justified his conduct by saying he was very upset.	sharptoothed
0	1887595	0	0	I needed to justify why I was earning such a large salary.	CK
0	667968	0	0	The less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it.	CK
0	667969	0	0	Often, the less there is to justify a traditional custom the harder it is to get rid of it.	CK