Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Lay"
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0	2549786	0	0	Hey, lay off.	CK	1
0	2405880	0	0	I said lay off.	CK	1
156283	258251	私は自分のベッドに横になった。	\N	I lay on my bed.	CK	1
0	1486660	0	0	Tom was laid off.	Spamster	1
108294	295394	彼は仰向けに寝ていた。	tommy_san	He lay on his back.	CM	1
108297	295394	彼は仰向けになった。	bunbuku	He lay on his back.	CM	1
108292	295394	彼は仰向けに寝転んだ。	\N	He lay on his back.	CM	1
158970	255556	私はベッドで横になった。	\N	I lay awake in bed.	CK	1
0	1851345	0	0	I'm laying you off.	CK	1
0	1140105	0	0	I've been laid off.	CK	1
0	2548523	0	0	Tom's dog lay down.	CK	1
108297	513540	彼は仰向けになった。	bunbuku	He laid on his back.	CK	1
204648	41889	それをテーブルの上に置きなさい。	\N	Lay it on the table.	CK	1
200123	37324	トムはあおむけに寝ていた。	bunbuku	Tom lay on his back.	CK	1
165496	249009	私たちは草の上に横になった。	bunbuku	We lay on the grass.	CK	1
104321	299370	彼は銃を下に置いた。	bunbuku	He laid down the gun.	CK	1
0	2957432	0	0	Tom lay awake in bed.	CK	1
111028	292658	彼はベッドに横になった。	bunbuku	He lay down on the bed.	CK	1
91566	312147	彼女はベッドに横になった。	mookeee	She lay down on the bed.	Swift	1
108297	2225733	彼は仰向けになった。	bunbuku	He lay down on his back.	CK	1
0	1024609	0	0	Tom lay awake all night.	CK	1
0	2329619	0	0	I got laid off yesterday.	CK	1
76044	1891461	謝ったんだから、さっきのはチャラにしてよ。	bunbuku	I've apologized, so lay off, OK?	CK	1
0	1348976	0	0	Didn't you know turtles lay eggs?	CK	1
2702353	2776951	トムはラケットを地面に置いた。	tommy_san	Tom laid his racket on the ground.	CK	1
2702353	2776950	トムはラケットを地面に置いた。	tommy_san	Tom laid the racket on the ground.	CK	1
0	1093316	0	0	Tom laid all his cards on the table.	CK	1
87706	316001	彼女は頭を枕にのせた。	bunbuku	She laid her head down on the pillow.	CK	1
198671	35864	ニワトリが今朝卵を生んだ。	bunbuku	The chicken laid an egg this morning.	CK	1
0	1094947	0	0	Tom decided to lay low for a few days.	CK	1
0	1028460	0	0	Tom is wrong to lay the blame on Mary.	CK	1
0	1093315	0	0	Tom laid his keys on the kitchen table.	CK	1
210740	48010	その工場では多くの労働者が解雇された。	mookeee	Many workers were laid off at that plant.	CM	1
0	887269	0	0	She lay awake for hours thinking about him.	CK	1
211175	1409518	その鶏は最近卵を産んでいない。	bunbuku	That chicken hasn't laid any eggs recently.	CK	1
146462	268100	床一面に新聞紙が撒き散らされていた。	mookeee	Newspapers lay scattered all over the floor.	CM	1
0	1024292	0	0	Tom read anything he could lay his hands on.	CK	1
0	2486694	0	0	I just lay on the beach and watched people swim.	CK	1
0	1093313	0	0	Tom lay awake for a long time thinking about Mary.	CK	1
0	1028387	0	0	Tom lay awake almost all night thinking about Mary.	CK	1
169564	244921	鮭は川をさかのぼって砂に産卵する。	bunbuku	Salmon go up the river and lay their eggs in the sand.	CK	1
0	1026100	0	0	Tom doesn't know it yet, but he's going to get laid off.	CK	1
0	2377264	0	0	I lay in bed thinking about everything that had happened that day.	CK	1
0	1095148	0	0	Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that he might be laid off from work.	CK	1
108294	295392	彼は仰向けに寝ていた。	tommy_san	He lay face up.	CM
125772	278220	鳥は卵を産む。	\N	Birds lay eggs.	CK
110003	293685	彼は一時解雇にされた。	\N	He was laid off.	CM
161314	253203	私はうつぶせに寝た。	\N	I lay on my face.	CM
196799	33978	ベッドに横になっていた。	\N	He lay on the bed.	Nero
157700	256306	私は休むために横になった。	\N	I lay down to rest.	CM