Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Literally"
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2481322	1899412	あんまり真に受けるなよ。	tommy_san	Don't take it too literally.	sysko	1
0	2291175	0	0	I didn't mean that literally.	CK	1
0	354503	0	0	He took it literally.	plover
204683	41924	それをあまり文字どおりに受け取るな。	\N	Don't take that too literally.	CM
153285	261259	私は彼女の言うことを文字どおりに受け取った。	\N	I took what she said literally.	CK
0	740589	0	0	You take everything too literally.	Dejo
0	3231265	0	0	That could literally ruin my life.	CK
117495	286169	彼の言葉をあまり額面通りに受け取ってはいけない。	\N	Don't take his remarks too literally.	CK
176642	237821	刑事はその事件について文字どおり何千もの人たちに尋問した。	\N	The detective questioned literally thousands of people about the incident.	CK
2758584	237821	刑事は文字通り何千人もの人に事件についての聞き込みを行った。	bunbuku	The detective questioned literally thousands of people about the incident.	CK
0	1955554	0	0	In informal, everyday speech, the word "literally" is often used incorrectly as an intensifier.	_undertoad