0 2234175 0 0 What's your location? CK 1 0 2234133 0 0 What's their location? CK 1 146086 268476 場所を教えてください。 bunbuku Please tell me your location. CK 1 0 3238886 0 0 We should move to a safer location. CK 1 0 3151442 0 0 Give me your location. CK 0 448312 0 0 The location has changed. FeuDRenais 0 1690560 0 0 This is the perfect location. Spamster 0 1481772 0 0 This room's location is great. weihaiping 0 2663299 0 0 The location isn't the problem. CK 0 3127851 0 0 I suggest we move to a safer location. CK 92551 311159 彼女はその家のある場所を尋ねた。 \N She asked about the location of the house. CK 0 3238887 0 0 We should consider moving to a safer location. CK 0 2761744 0 0 Show me the location of your camp on this map. sharptoothed 126865 277225 地図でその町の位置を調べてみます。 \N I'll look up the location of the town on my map. CK 0 3238885 0 0 We should think about moving to a safer location. CK 97258 778307 彼らは結婚式の日取りと場所を決めた。 \N They decided on the date and location of their wedding. kenken 0 2537282 0 0 Do you really think this is a good location for a store? CK 145446 269117 新しい学校の建設地については論争があった。 Blanka_Meduzo There was a controversy about the location of the new school. CM 0 1412062 0 0 A GPS device can pinpoint your location anywhere in the world. darinmex 204088 41330 そんな場所で本屋をやっても商売が成り立たないだろう。 \N A bookstore in that location wouldn't make enough money to survive. CK 192318 29481 レンタカーの乗り捨て料金はいくらだろう? \N How much more does it cost to return the rental car to another location? CK 195092 32266 ミツバチは、においのサンプルを巣に持ち帰ることによって食糧のありかを伝える。 bunbuku Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive. CM 234387 2494082 あそこの食べ物はうまいし値段も安いが、地の利が悪いのが難点だね。 mookeee That place's food is delicious and their prices are low. However, their location isn't good. CK