0 2248315 0 0 I'm with management. CK 1 0 3264714 0 0 We're under new management. CK 162272 252242 私は、経営コンサルタントです。 \N I'm a management consultant. CK 211819 49095 その会社は外国人が経営している。 \N The firm is under foreign management. CK 0 687750 0 0 Who represent the executive management? lukaszpp 140612 273961 組合は経営者側と賃金交渉をした。 \N The union bargained with the management. CK 0 2849503 0 0 Do you have an anger management problem? patgfisher 0 3109417 0 0 I want to make a complaint to the management. CK 118229 285435 彼のマネジメント能力は高く評価されている。 \N He's well respected for his management skills. CK 116624 287044 彼の息子が工場の経営を引き受けた。 \N His son took on the management of the factory. CK 0 1917777 0 0 The restaurant will reopen under new management. zahurdias 0 1560043 0 0 Management wants you gone by the end of the day. kolin2009 0 2270027 0 0 We must inform the management of what's going on. _undertoad 77887 325831 良い経営陣なら正当な要求に耳を貸すものだ。 mookeee A good management would listen to reasonable demands. CM 104971 298718 彼は経営陣に対して、彼が何をするのか説明する責任がある。 bunbuku He is accountable to the management for what he does. Nero 148019 266540 従業員たちは力を合わせて、経営側に昇給を要求した。 \N Workers pulled together and asked the management for a raise. CM 197595 34781 ビジネスマンの成功は注意深い財政管理の上に築かれる。 \N A successful business is built on careful financial management. CM 176496 237968 経営者側は賃金を増やすことは不可能だと言った。 \N The management said that a wage increase was out of the question. CK 77388 326331 労使間の話し合いはうやむやに終わった。 \N The talk between labor and management yielded no definite results. CM 77347 326372 労働側と経営側の意見不一致はストライキに行きつくかもしれない。 \N The disagreement between the union and management could lead to a strike. CK 176494 237970 経営陣がどうしてスト参加者の要求にあんなに簡単に屈したのか分からない。 \N I don't know why the management submitted to the striker's demands so easily. CK 176493 237971 経営陣はついに労働者側の要求に屈し、昇給を認めた。 \N The management finally succumbed to the demand of the workers and gave them a raise. CK 0 2974511 0 0 Union representatives remained tight-lipped about their negotiations with management. patgfisher 0 3012473 0 0 The workers were furious that management had kept them in the dark about proposed job cuts. patgfisher 122374 281629 日本企業の経営方法は外国企業のそれと比べてしばしば大いに異なる。 zipangu Management practices at Japanese corporations are often very different from those at foreign companies. CK 122613 281390 日本の財政当局は経済運営に対する国民の信頼を回復するため手段を考慮中である。 \N The Japanese fiscal authorities are weighing measures to restore public confidence in their economic management. CK