0 2261208 0 0 Does Tom attend mass? CK 1 0 1737629 0 0 The mass is over. belgavox 0 802186 0 0 They called it mass murder. Source_VOA 0 2318127 0 0 She went to mass every day. Gulliver 0 1756070 0 0 Never trust the mass media. CM 0 1756068 0 0 Never believe the mass media. CM 0 1725334 0 0 You should go to mass more often. belgavox 0 1010164 0 0 My grandfather goes to mass every Sunday. alexmarcelo 402900 402901 マスコミが報道しなかったのはなぜ? blay_paul Why is it the mass media didn't report this? blay_paul 137234 276002 大量生産が多くの商品価格を下げた。 \N Mass production reduced the price of many goods. CM 0 1392596 0 0 Mass production lowers the cost of certain goods. CM 98477 305225 彼らの小さな抗議が大衆デモに発展した。 \N Their small protest triggered a mass demonstration. CK 137237 275999 アイスランドには大量の煙を吐き出している火山があります。 Scott There's a volcano emitting masses of smoke in Iceland. Scott 168982 245505 司祭はミサの終わりに会衆を祝福した。 \N The priest blessed the congregation at the end of the mass. JimBreen 145189 269374 新聞、テレビ、ラジオ、はマス・メディアと呼ばれる。 \N Newspapers, television, and radio are called the mass media. CK 0 1093474 0 0 Tom is having trouble dealing with the fact that his father was a mass murderer. CK