Sentences Focusing on the Word Family "Measure"
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0	2271744	0	0	I didn't measure it.	CK	1
0	2026433	0	0	I'd like to be measured for a new suit.	CK	1
0	1699386	0	0	Have you measured it?	Spamster
0	1495693	0	0	Measure twice, cut once.	niceguydave
0	2123449	0	0	Measure twice, cut once!	etala
207766	45019	その長さを測れますか。	\N	Can you measure the length?	CK
0	589418	0	0	He just doesn't measure up.	darinmex
113328	290345	彼はすべての棚を測った。	bunbuku	He measured all his shelves.	CK
2381367	290345	彼は全ての棚の寸法を測った。	bunbuku	He measured all his shelves.	CK
0	2892988	0	0	You must have measured wrong.	CK
233143	70512	あなたの寸法を計るのを許して下さい。	\N	Please allow me to measure you.	CM
0	681443	0	0	Let's measure how tall you are.	Source_VOA
0	807151	0	0	Such measures were not necessary.	Source_VOA
115469	288201	彼は、寝台の長さを測った。	\N	He measured the length of the bed.	CK
191679	28842	われわれはその川の深さを測った。	mookeee	We measured the depth of the river.	CK
125204	278789	天井は高さが10フィートある。	\N	The ceiling measures ten feet high.	CM
151910	28842	私達は、その川の深さをはかった。	\N	We measured the depth of the river.	CK
0	2771467	0	0	We'll have to take strong measures.	sharptoothed
0	2450025	0	0	Measure each angle of the triangle.	sharptoothed
0	681445	0	0	The carpenter is measuring the floor.	Source_VOA
0	807281	0	0	Congress did not approve the measure.	Source_VOA
166322	248182	私たちはそれを防止する強硬な対策を講じた。	\N	We took strong measures to prevent it.	CK
205266	42508	それは金銭では計れない。	\N	It can't be measured in terms of money.	CM
137954	275282	対策に関する討議が行われた。	\N	There was a discussion on the measures.	CM
0	1750001	0	0	We want to measure your blood pressure.	djtait
0	802415	0	0	They fought the measures in the courts.	Source_VOA
139688	274525	速度を測定する方法はいくつかある。	\N	There are several ways to measure speed.	CK
0	1562122	0	0	We are measuring the depth of the river.	CM
0	2892351	0	0	Tom measured the windows for new drapes.	CK
0	1040738	0	0	Drastic times call for drastic measures.	CK
146055	268506	情勢は荒療治を必要とする。	\N	The situation calls for drastic measures.	CK
118222	285442	彼のめがねにかなう女性はいなかった。	\N	No woman could measure up to his standard.	CM
223542	60877	このテーブルクロスは縦横5フィートと3フィートある。	\N	This tablecloth measures 5 feet by 3 feet.	CM
193181	30346	ものさしでその棒の長さを測りなさい。	\N	Measure the length of the stick with a ruler.	CM
0	800269	0	0	We must take protective measures against floods.	FeuDRenais
0	681444	0	0	Mary measured out two cups of rice for the recipe.	Source_VOA
174126	240344	交通事故の防止対策を講じなければならない。	\N	We must take measures to prevent traffic accidents.	CM
208956	46216	その場しのぎの対策では麻薬中毒問題にきりこむことはできないでしょう。	\N	Stopgap measures won't make a dent in drug addiction.	CM
0	2771421	0	0	We'll have to measure the room before we buy the rug.	sharptoothed
1766782	742938	これらの対策は、その疫病の感染拡大を防止することができます。	bunbuku	These measures can prevent the disease from spreading.	eastasiastudent
0	541982	0	0	The distance between stars is measured in light years.	darinmex
143141	271427	政府はインフレに対するために強硬な措置をとった。	\N	The government adopted strong measures to fight inflation.	CK
188322	25465	温度計は温度を測る器具です。	\N	The thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature.	NekoKanjya
0	873911	0	0	Among other things, carats are a measure of gold's fineness.	papabear
143098	271470	政府は国内産業振興の方策を講じた。	\N	The government has taken measures to promote domestic industry.	CM
0	1658402	0	0	Hackers are adept at getting around computer security measures.	darinmex
393806	393807	心停止の患者を応急処置で生かした。	blay_paul	We used emergency measures to revive the cardiac arrest patient.	blay_paul
125289	278704	適切なときに適切な措置を講ずるべきです。	\N	You should take the appropriate measures at the appropriate time.	CM
79423	324294	優れた教育の価値は金銭でははかれない。	\N	The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money.	CK
78996	324720	予防のほうがことが起こっての治療よりずっと効果がある。	\N	Preventive measures are much more effective than the actual treatment.	CM